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Liquimins made with ozonated water...bad?
nordskoven Views: 2,303
Published: 19 y
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Liquimins made with ozonated water...bad?

Apart from the obscene expense for a whopping eight ounces, making silver colloid in ozonated water may have drawbacks. Here's an excerpt from the info page on Zenterprizes silver colloid generators. It seems to suggest "ozonated water...bad." Liquimins silver colloid may be 99.999 but it is made with ozonated water.

"...In the Coyote Zenterprizes generators, the current is regulated to stay at a fixed value. The voltage decreases as the resistance in the water decreases until it reaches a referenced voltage for a maximum concentration [as per lab tests of samples taken at various voltage levels] and shuts down. Current stays constant. [It still 'ramps up' in a manner identical to 'runaway' until the current control set point is reached but will not run past that point even if you short the electrodes together]

Using very hot water [120+deg F] dissipates the ion path very well as it runs but make the ions so active that they agglomerate by collision before proper hydration can occur, sometimes resulting in that yellow color that some people are so proud of.

Heating the water to about 100 Deg F helps disperse the ion paths gently enough that the oxides usually stay put. You may occasionally get a slight yellow tinge especially with ozonated water due extra to dissolved oxygen in ozonated water. Heating the water to 150+ deg and allowing to cool will drive off most of that excess oxygen. Changes in temperature related 'saturation point' could also be a contributing factor in winding up with a yellow tinge to the Colloidal Silver . It's best to avoid sudden and wide temperature shifts.

Disrupting the ion path with thermal convection currents from a small heater or a mechanical stirrer both 'hydrates' the ions and distributes them without excessively heating the water..."



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