Well said! There have been many different "types" of black salve over the years our there. Some are just drawing salves and have things like pine tar and other stuff that does not have the effect on the immune system that you would want when fighting a cancer. From what I have read, when it is taken internally, it needs to be with a lot of food to avoid nausea, other than that, not any side effects, just detox effects from killing the cancer protein and the body having to rid it out. I read that Alpha Omega Labs use to make an internal before they(FDA) threw their president in jail for making claims. The company at http://www.bestonearthproducts.com
didn;t have any claims on their site that I could see, so maybe that is why they still have the salves. I have used their salves externally and will try it internally this summer. Thanks for the comments, have a great day!