The unit at
appears to be pretty amazing to me. Invented by an MD most likely with the help of Beck's research as well as NASA's
This unit appears to be a continual magnetic pulse (as opposed to Sota's built-up pulse) at the Schumann Resonance and is battery operated and looks somewhat like and size of a zapper.
Heals nerves, bones and skin along with numerous ailments liste on their website. Perhaps a key element here is that the faster the pulse the more effective the design.
I'm a simple novice with a Sota magnetic pulser but I'm certainly interested in purchasing this unit to go along with Beck's full protocol.
Could we have an opinion from the long time "knowledge-sharers" who make this forum what it is?
Here's the video from Dr. Gorden but if you let it download for a couple you can cut to the chase at approx. the 39:00 minute loading.