I have had a large plantars wart on the bottom of my foot for 16 years and tried many different tharapies to have it removed. In the last 5 years it has become much smaller but has never completely disappeared. During a recent fast I stopped taking Lugols orally and started painting. One of the sights for painting was the wart. For two weeks I applied lugos directly to the wart every other day. The first couple of application caused a burning sensation. Today the wart has officially vanished. Approximately 10 topical applications were painted. Strangely or not this wart has been one of things I use to measure the state of my health. When it was large and growing rapidly I knew that my immune function was down and I needed to improve nutrition, rest, etc. When it would start to shrink in size I knew I was on the right track. I'm not sad to see it finally gone but will miss it as a diagnostic tool. I know!!! To Weird!!!!