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Re: I'm going to repost this and hope for help. PLEASE READ!
been there done that Views: 2,109
Published: 18 y
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Re: I'm going to repost this and hope for help. PLEASE READ!

I'm not sure what to think about the skin color, I was under the impression it was pink, or does it look different colors in different light? Most likely, healing will depend MAINLY on keeping the skin moist, but also nutrition and blood circulation. Whenever you massage the area, laugh, smile or talk, you will be stimulating blood flow. In the past, whenever I would get into the habit of drinking vegetable juice (a can of V8 juice a day), I would notice that cuts would heal within 2 days.

Honey has been used medicinally since ancient times, but it has also been called the "ultimate moisturizer" for the skin. Drink lots of water for health but especially now for the skin healing. You should notice improvement in a day or so just from good circulation, nutrition and moisture retention on the skin. The reason you might have complications (I think in the other post you also mentioned acne) is general skin condition and arid conditions (dry, dusty climate?).

Look at the dermatology site for general info. For the acne, look into MANUKA honey, but it has hydrogen peroxide activity (germ fighting ability) and might be too harsh until the skin heals, so don't use it until you heal.

Manuka is a special honey from New Zealand used to fight MRSA (Methycillin resistant Staph aureous) and is also sold in the US (about $15 a jar), but regular honey is all you need for the moisturing (if you choose to use honey).



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