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Re: There is just something about a humid climate that I crave!
SqueakyClean Views: 1,513
Published: 18 y
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Re: There is just something about a humid climate that I crave!

I hear ya. I totally agree. When I tell people I LOVE humidity, they look at me like I'm crazy! But why would anyone like DRY AIR? (particularly some people's homes in the winter, it is ridiculous). I've been to San Antonio, you're right, it is humid. It's very humid where I live, in the summer, but not so much in the winter - not terrible, just not ideal... which has been rough on me. But now that it's spring, the air is re-humidifying. Lovely.

I lived in Singapore for 4 years. It's an island practically on the equator. When I heard that piece of information I was completely ready to move there, and I did, and I enjoyed it every day. It is warm/hot and HUMID every day! Green and lush. Fantastic. I highly recommend it. That experience was excellent, perhaps someday I will return or live in a similar climate again.

I also love walking into a forest, there is something special about the air (besides the general ambiance of nature). Also, walking on a beach, sitting near a lake, beside a stream, etc. Water is truly amazing!



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