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Re: adrenal fatigue
  Views: 1,348
Published: 18 y
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Re: adrenal fatigue

You may find this article informative, it is very clear and describes many options:

The biochemistry of insomnia:

What worked for me to sleep:

Gemotherapy Briar Rose 50 drops a day
B12 sublingual (Methylcobalamin)
B-complex sublingual
(Immediate response - slept all night the first night.)

Later I added chloroxygen 18 drops a day


No longer using the Briar Rose or Chloroxygen (out of stock)

take vegeatble glycerin (got on the web) (1 tbs mixed with lemon juice and water x 3 times per day)

sleep like a baby each and every night.


What worked for my friend: (he had not slept all night for more than a year)
1 TBS. Black strap molasses (unsulphured organic) in water with fresh squeezed lemon juice. (lots of minerals)

Your mom should discontinue all white Sugar and table salt , get Celtic Sea Salt and drink water with a pinch of celtic Sea Salt & fresh squeezed lemon juice throughout the day.

One the most important things she can do is delete stress from her body's vocabulary. Worry and stress use our body's "fight or flight hormones" which are produced by the adrenals, thus overworking and ultimately causing adrenal fatigue.

For that, visualization worked for me, and learning to think of my body as the gift that it is.

Most items you can get at whole foods market, and the vitamin shop has the B sublinguals...

Short on time, sorry if the psot appears choppy.

These are only some things that worked to help me to sleep. Others have had success with GABA.

As for the adrenals, the adrenal fatigue forum has a lot of good posts and links, as well as support.

Hope your mom can find some rest, sounds like a beautiful person in searh of peace.

MadArt (ist)


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