Going on a treasure hunt...The Forgotten Iodine
The Forgotten Iodine
Trace Nutrient, Natural Antibiotic, Stimulant, Deobstruent,
Expectorant, Disinfectant
Only a little over two centuries ago, man struggled to discover the
value of fresh fruit, vegetables, and vitamin C. The first attempt to
give scientific basis for the cause of scurvy was by a ship's surgeon
in the British Royal Navy, James Lind.
While at sea in May 1747, Lind provided some crew members with
two oranges and one lemon per day, in addition to normal rations,
while others continued on cider, vinegar or sea water, along with
their normal rations. In the history of
Science this is considered to
be the first example of a controlled experiment comparing results
on two populations of a dietary factor applied to one group only
with all other factors the same. The results conclusively showed
that citrus fruits prevented the disease. Lind wrote up his work and
published it in 1753, in Treatise on the Scurvy.
It was 1795, some forty years later, the life expectancy for many at
that time, before the British navy adopted lemons or lime as
standard issue at sea. This practice led to the nickname limey for
British sailors. Captain James Cook had previously demonstrated
and proven the principle of the advantages of fresh and preserved
foods, such as sauerkraut, by taking his crews to the Hawaiian
islands and beyond without losing any of his men to scurvy, that is
debility, spongy gums, and hemorrhages into the skin and mucous
membranes. One can well imagine the status of a sailor's arse
[hemorrhoid] in a case of scurvy, would be of equal concern as it
was for Napoleon when he could not ride his horse into Russia for
the pain he experienced for the status of his rump. [1]
The name "antiscorbutic" was used in the eighteenth and
nineteenth centuries as general term for those foods known to
prevent scurvy, even though there was no biochemical
understanding. These foods include lemons, limes, and oranges;
sauerkraut, salted cabbage, malt, and portable broth which were
employed with variable effect. While most discovered vitamins are
a group of organic substances, present in minute amounts in
natural foodstuffs, that are essential to normal metabolism are
nitrogenous based, ascorbic acid is a pure carbohydrate.
Cobalamin is the general term for compounds containing the
dimethylbenzimidazolylcobamide nucleus of vitamin B12
containing the trace element cobalt.
With iodine, the medical world has struggled to understand a trace
mineral, readily available in nature, yet has not reached the
commercial awareness as vitamin C, scurvy, and the common cold.
In 1811 when Bernard Courtois (1777-1838) discovered iodine, he
was not searching for a way to heal his fellow humans. On the
contrary; he was looking for a way to kill his fellow humans.
Napoleon’s army at the time required huge quantities of gunpowder
and supplies were running short. Saltpeter (potassium
nitrate—KNO3) is a major component in gunpowder and requires
an abundant source of sodium carbonate to be manufactured.
Sodium carbonate is extracted from wood ashes, but the war had
gone on so long that they had run out of willow wood, the preferred
source. Someone suggested using dried seaweed burnt to ash. In
the process of making saltpeter, excess sulfur compounds were
created and they had to add sulfuric acid to the mixture to get rid of
the sulphur. Courtois accidentally added a bit too much acid one
day, and a violet vapor cloud appeared and condensed onto the
colder, metal objects and formed lustrous, purple crystals.
Courtois, a working chemist, realized he’d created something new.
However, it would be two years later that the English chemist, Sir
Humphrey Davy, realized it was a halogen and named it iodine.
Later, French physician, Jean
Lugol discovered that bonding iodine
to a mineral (potassium) made it water soluble, and allowed for the
later discovery of iodine’s antiseptic qualities.
Iodine naturally
dissolves in alcohol, but not in water until it is first bonded to the
elements potassium or chlorine. A History of Lugol's
It was first developed by the French physician, Jean Lugol, in 1829.
It is a transparent brown liquid consisting of 10 parts potassium
iodide (KI) to 5 parts
Iodine to 85 parts of (distilled) water. It is an
effective bactericide and fungicide and, in fact, was, for the better
part of a century, a common antiseptic - (though it has laboratory
uses separate and apart from any medical application).
Lugol's and
Iodine solutions probably fell out of favor in the last half of
the 20th century due to combination of economics and esthetics:
first, it is so cheap to make that it cannot compare to "cleaner,"
value-added antiseptics with more marketing muscle; and
secondly, it will stain clothes and will even temporarily stain skin
when used topically to treat a wound. The internal applications of
various iodine solutions have been published and discussed for well
over a century.
Eight years after the purple haze discovery by Courtois, Swiss
physician J.F. Coindet who previously showed successfully that
giving burnt sponge and seaweed for reducing simple goiter,
reasoned that iodine could be the active ingredient in seaweed. [2]
In 1819, he tested tincture of iodine at 250 mg per day, [labeled as a
poison on bottles of tincture iodine today], an excessive amount by
today’s minimum daily requirement of 150 mcg (0.15 mg) per day.
Of 150 goiter patients with goiter, he had great success. He
published his results in 1820. Coindet was the first physician to use
the newly discovered element iodine in medical practice. In 19th
Century Europe, potassium
Iodide (KI) was used empirically for a
wide range of medical conditions. [3] Shortly thereafter, it would be
one of the most frequentlly prescribed drugs of medical physicians,
which led to the aphorism - "If ye don’t know where, what, and
why, prescribe ye then K and I.”
In 1932, Bernard Cohn, M.D. wrote: “…the widespread use of
compound solution of iodine, U.S.P., is the result of a paper by
Plummer and Boothby, published in that year (1923). Since then
compound solution of iodine has been used by nearly every
clinician ...” [6]
According to Hungarian Nobel Laureate Szent-Györgyi,
KI was the
universal medicine in Europe during the late 1800’s and early
1900’s. Szent-Györgyi himself ingested 1 gm of
KI [postassium
iodide[ daily to keep himself fit. [12]
Deficiency diseases, both glandular and dietary, were but dimly
understood in those days. Proper diagnosis and effective treatment
of goitre, diabetes, and the various vitamin deficiencies belong to
the twentieth century, as is true with allergies, many of which must
also have imitated the early symptoms of acute diseases. Thousands
of sufferers from eczema, hives, pellagra, beriberi or asthma not
only were given superficial relief, but were ignorant of the nature of
their maladies.
Cretinism, a severe mental retardation due to congenitally
under-active thyroid, derived from creta (eraie)—a sallow or
yellow-earthy complexion, being a mark of cretinism. The condition
was known to be commonest when born far away from the sea as
seawater contains iodine. It was commonest in Switzerland and in
the UK mainly in the midlands at Lancashire, Yorkshire and
Derbyshire dales. Indeed an acquired form of under-active thyroid
disease due to dietary deficiency of iodine and causing swelling of
the thyroid (or goitre) is often known as Derbyshire neck was well
recorded. [4] Wherever endemic goitre is present, endemic
cretinism is present also, and it has been constantly observed that
when a new family moves into a goitrous district, goitre appears in
the first generation, cretinism in the second. Cretinism usually
remains unrecognized until the child reaches some eighteen
months or two years, when its lack of mental development and
awkward bodily form begin to attract attention. Occasionally the
child appears to be normal in infancy, but the cretinoid condition
develops later, anytime of up to puberty. The essential point in the
morbid anatomy of these cases is the absence or abnormal
condition of the thyroid gland.
Derbyshire neck
There is one disease," wrote James Pilkington in 1789, "to which
the inhabitants of Derbyshire are so much subject, that it has taken
its name from its great prevalence in this situation."
Derbyshire Neck, also called Goitre, is a swelling of the thyroid
gland and is now known to be caused by lack of iodine. It is almost
unknown today because iodine is added to drinking water. In the
eighteenth century no-one knew for sure what caused it. Some
thought it was hereditary in particular families, others that it was
caused by living "on the bleak sides of hills." They all agreed that
women, particularly "child-bearing poor women" were the main
victims of "this very unfortunate female disease."
Mental retardation due to congenital under-activity or absence of
the thyroid gland
The condition is commonest when born far away from the sea, as
seawater contains iodine, which is essential for the thyroid gland to
work. Therefore, it is commonest in the Swiss valleys in mainland
Europe and in the U.K. mainly in the Lancashire, Yorkshire and
Derbyshire dales. Indeed an acquired form of under-active thyroid
disease due to dietary deficiency of iodine and causing swelling of
the thyroid (or goitre) is often known as Derbyshire neck
Cretins have a characteristic face that is pale and puffy, the hair is
coarse (like horse hair) and the tongue protrude. The subjects of
this disease seldom reach five feet in height, and usually not more
than four. The word cretin is derived from the Latin creatura. They
are found all over the world. In Switzerland it is estimated that in
some cantons there is one cretin to every 25 inhabitants. In Styria,
the Tyrol, and along the Rhine cretins are quite common, and not
long since cases existed in Derbyshire.
Iodine, forgotten nutrient
Iodine (from the Gr. Iodes, meaning "violet"), is a chemical element
in the periodic table that has the symbol I and atomic number 53. It
is required as a trace element for most living organisms.
Chemically, iodine is the least reactive of the halogens, and the
most electropositive halogen. Lack of iodine is the cause of goitre
(Derbyshire neck). Historically underactive thyroids were common
in Derbyshire causing people to develop a neck 'goitre' (swollen
thyroid) - termed 'Derbyshire neck' - because their diets were
deficient in iodine. It is assimilated by seaweeds from which it may
be recovered, and is found in Chilean saltpetre, caliche, old salt
brines, and salt wells.
In areas where there is little iodine in the diet—typically remote
inland areas and semi-arid equatorial climates where no marine
foods are eaten—iodine deficiency gives rise to goiter, so called
endemic goiter. In some such areas, this is now combatted by the
addition of small amounts of iodine to
table salt in form of sodium
iodide, potassium iodide, potassium iodate—this product is known
as iodized salt. Iodine deficiency is the leading cause of preventable
mental retardation. Iodine deficency remains a serious problem
that affects people around the globe. [5]
After the discovery of thyroid hormones and their clinical
applications in the 1930’s, medical textbooks started promoting the
idea that the only role of iodine as an essential element was in the
synthesis of thyroid hormones. Thyroid fixation resulted in
endocrinologists, not nutrionists, dictating the human need for this
nutrient, which was defined as the minimum amount of iodine
needed for synthesis of thyroid hormones, that is, 200 ug/day. [7]
The RDA for iodine was established based on data supplied by
endocrinologists regarding the minimum amount of iodine needed
for synthesis of thyroid hormones. [8] No attempt was apparently
made to assess the optimal daily requirement of iodine for whole
body sufficiency and nutrition, yet many medical doctors used it
very successfully and wrote about it, like Dr. D. C. Jarvis [9] and Dr.
Max Gerson [10].
You will ask, "How can such a cancerous tumor go down?" That was
a difficult question for me to understand. I had learned in my
treatment of tuberculosis patients that I had to add potassium,
iodine, and liver injections to help the liver and the whole body to
restore the potassium. Now as far as I can see this is the situation.
At first we give the patient the most salt-free diet possible. So, as
much salt (sodium) is removed from the body as can be. During the
first days, 3 grams, 5 grams, up to 8 grams a day of sodium are
eliminated while the patients receive only about one half gram of
sodium content in the diet and no sodium is added." Lecture given
by Dr. Gerson in Escondido, California, in 1956
Far away from the sea, evolutionary understandings
Being born far away from the sea was an early observation of goiter
and cretinism. And is it here that this clue was left for the clueless.
The prevalence of endemic goitre and endemic cretinism is closely
related to geological conditions. As a rule, endemicity is prominent
in mountainous areas, but serious endemic foci have also been
found on sedimentary plains. Goitre is usually prevalent in places
far away from the sea.
Humans (as well as any other species), are adapted by evolution to
live in particular environments. In other words, we thrive best
under conditions with a particular combination of environmental
factors, including social and nutritional factors. There are many
differences between the Stone Age environment to which we are
adapted and the industrialized environment in which we live today.
While many of these differences have a positive impact on health
and quality of life, like creature comforts, many also have a negative
impact, like obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.
The story of iodine deficiency takes us to the work's and
observations of early biologists. Until quite recently the notion was
universally entertained that human beings were, in many respects,
quite different from all other beings, forming, as it were, a world by
themselves. This notion is even now very generally held by those
not versed in natural science, and is often put forward by those who
are considered teachers of people. The fact is, however, as all
observation proves, that man is, in all respects, like other animals.
His body is composed of the same elements, he has the same
organs, acting in the same way, the same or similar nutritional
needs, and only different in his mental faculties, the cortical factors
far more fully developed. In short, man is a part of the animal
world, and not something separate and distinct from it, save for his
Evolution, then, teaches us that not only have all organic forms
been derived from pre-existing and simpler ones, but also all our
social organizations, our corporeal impulses, and our nutritional
needs. It teaches us, also, that all the various departments of
knowledge have not only developed individually in this way; but
that they have also developed conjointly, as a whole. No one science
ever did or could originate and perfect itself, standing alone, but
each one contributes upon every other one, and develops only as
that does, so that knowledge advances as a whole by separate steps.
At this stage in our evolution we are able to appreciate many
branches of science, not only biology, but also paleontology,
geology, genetics, chemistry and physics.
The whole universe, according to physics, is one in every
department, and the same laws rule, from the atom to the
mountain, and from molecular motion to thought. Everything that
is, is connected with everything else, and there is nothing that
exists or acts alone. Quantum physics teaches us this postulate, but
it was first proposed by Paracelsus.
The timeline of human evolution outlines the major events in the
development of our species and the evolution of our ancestors.
Human evolution is the process of change and development by
which human beings emerged as a distinct species from a former
species. It is the subject of a broad scientific inquiry that seeks to
understand and describe how this change and development
occurred. The study of human evolution encompasses many
scientific disciplines, most notably physical anthropology and
When we study the development of animals from the primary
germs, or eggs, we observe that they all begin the same as an egg,
but some progress farther than others in differentiation. Darwin in
particular showed that through evolution it was possible for one
species to be transformed into another species. Ernst Haeckel first
gave us an evolutionary viewpoint from observations in
embryology. With the evolution of life, at a certain stage, came the
development of animals with a nervous system, and eventually
human beings with a large brain. Some embryos stop at one stage
of development, and others at another, and each one on reaching
its limit having gone through all the stages below that limit. Thus,
taking the most perfectly organized being in either type, and tracing
its embryonic growth, from the primary germ upward, we find that
it has gone through every stage, first as germ, then as fish, then as
amphibian, and finally through mammals. The embryo goes
through stages of its growth, like every one of the lower animals of
its type.
This is the case with man, the most neurologically perfected of all
the vertebrates. He starts embryonically the same as all the rest
below him; but the other mammals stop at various inferior stages,
while man/woman passes on. Thus the human embryo, after it has
passed the simpler stages, from the germ, resembles
(microsopically) first a fish, then it becomes like one of the
amphibia, and, still progressing, it next becomes a reptile, then a
bird, and finally a true mammifer. Thus men may be said to be a
true epitome of his type, or to comprise it wholly in himself in the
course of his foetal development. We can comprehend from this
how different beings have originated from those below them, by the
gradual evolution of new organs for special purposes. In one sense
all animals are the same. They are all, when primary germs, alike in
many respects save that otheir chromosomes, but some develop
farther than others. Fundamentally it is thus a evolutionary
The beginnings of human culture reach back about a half a million
years ago. The first men as we have learned were meat eating
hunters that lived in tropical grasslands. For thousands of years
man threw whole animals into his fires where the skin burst, and
he cracked skulls with stones to eat the brain and marrow. Towards
the end of this paleolithic age and into the mesolithic stage, man
was collecting grains of wild grasses, pounding them into flour and
making a watery paste into bread. In the Indus valley, man learned
to cultivate rice. Once the principles of seeding, transplantation,
and harvesting were mastered, man moved to a mixed dietary, and
moved to the harvesting of carbohydrates. This knowledge spread
rapidly from a historical view, and forever changed man's dietary.
Iodine in general diets comes mainly from animal-derived foods
just as does cobalamin. As to be expected, with migrations and
settlements, dietary elements would be diverse.
The rapid evolution of man, and the apparent rapid cortical
development in terms of evolution, allowed him to migrate and
adapt to many different geological locations. In thousands of
millions of years of animal evolution, paleolithic man is the first
instance of survival depending on fire, tools, agriculture and
housing, rather than on biological adaptations to the environment
like other animals. Man learned to make the environment adapt to
him, rather than adapting to an abrupt change of his environment
by migration. However, the nutritional needs for his body remained
essentially the same. Cortical development has far out paced
corporeal and glandular development. For as we see with
cretinism, a withdrawl of iodine during fetal development has
disasterous cortical effects, just as does folate in spina bifida.
Our biology dictates that we emerged from marine life. In adult
humans the body content of iodine is between 20 and 50
milligrams. Most of this trace element is concentrated in the
thyroid gland, but it is also found in the liver which can concentrate
iodine. All vertebrates require iodine and possess a similar gland or
tissue somewhere in their bodies. Dietary iodine is rapidly
absorbed by the intestinal tract, chiefly as iodide, and is then
transported by the blood to the thyroid gland. There
Iodide is
oxidized to iodine and combined with the amino acid tyrosine to
produce mono- and di-iodotyrosines. Further conversion, which
results in the formation of the hormones thyroxine (T4) and
triiodothyronine (T3), takes place in the epithelial cells of this
gland. Both hormones are essential for human health and are
involved in brain development, growth, and metabolism. Mentality,
speech, and the condition of the teeth, skin, hair, and nails are all
dependent on a thyroid gland that functions well [24].
Justus von Liebig, generally credited with being the "Father of the
Fertilizer Industry", propounded the "Law of the Minimum" which
states that if one crop of the nutritive elements is deficient or
lacking, plant growth will be poor even when all the other elements
are abundant. Any deficiency of a nutrient, no matter how small an
amount is needed, will hold back plant development. If the deficient
element is supplied, growth will be increased up to the point where
the supply of that element is no longer the limiting factor.
Increasing the supply beyond this point is not helpful, as some
other element would then be in a minimum supply and become the
limiting factor.
The yield potential of a crop is like a barrel with staves of unequal
length. The capacity of the barrel is limited by the length of the
shortest stave (in this case, nitrogen), and can only be increased by
lengthening that stave. When that stave is lengthened, another one
becomes the limiting factor.
In the case of the thyroid, there is no question iodine is the limiting
factor. If withdrawn, the gland swells into hyperplasia. Not only is
iodine essential for the production of triiodothyronine, selenium is
as well, and thus another stave in the body's requirements.
Researchers from the Hahn-Meitner Institute in Berlin first
discovered that selenium plays a key role in deiodinase, an enzyme
required to catalyze the conversion of thyroxine to
triiodothyronine. When a selenium deficiency is present,
deiodinase levels are depressed, and so too is the production of
triiodothyronine .
Chemistry of Iodine
Iodine is a basic element, as are calcium, zinc, oxygen and other
elements. The word "iodine" usually refers to two iodine molecules
chemically "bonded together" (I2), just as the word "oxygen"
usually refers to two oxygen molecules "stuck together" (O2). Since
iodine is more reactive, and therefore more likely to cause
problems, iodine is usually used as "iodide", a word which refers to
one iodine molecule combined with another molecule such as
potassium (KI) or sodium (NaI, as in iodized salt).
Iodide is the
negative ion of iodine. In chemical terms, such molecules are called
"salts"; the best known salt is sodium chloride (NaCl), a "salt" of
chlorine (Cl2).
The chemistry of iodine is relatively complex since it can exist in a
number of valence states, it is chemically reactive and forms
various inorganic and organic compounds. [11] In the atmosphere,
iodine is derived largely from seawater. Iodine concentrations have
been reported to range from 3 ng/m3 to 50 ng/m3 with an average
global concentration estimated to be about 10-20 ng/m3. Based on
this latter estimate, the daily iodine intake from air would be less
than 0.4 µg/person and air is therefore not considered a significant
source of iodine.
The iodine present in the upper crust of earth is leached by
glaciation and repeated flooding and is carried to the sea. Sea water
is, therefore, a rich source of iodine. About 1/3 of iodine found in
seawater is composed of iodide eventually oxidised to iodate by
organic matter. Iodide is mostly found above a depth of
approximately 500'. Iodine in the ocean takes a wide variety of
forms, both organic and inorganic, and the iodine cycles between
these various compounds are very complex and are still an active
area of research. The nature of inorganic iodine in the oceans has
been generally known for decades. The two predominate forms are
iodate (IO3-, with the central iodine and three attached oxygen
atoms) and iodide (I-). Together these two iodine species usually
add up to about 0.06 ppm total iodine (~0.5 mM), but the reported
values vary over about a factor of 2. In surface seawater, iodate
usually is the dominant form with typical iodate values in the 0.04
to 0.06 ppm iodine (0.3 – 0.5 mM). Likewise, iodide is usually
present at lower concentrations, typically 0.01 to 0.02 ppm iodine
(0.07 – 0.18 mM). Organic forms of iodine are any in which the
iodine atom is covalently attached to a carbon atom, such as methyl
iodide, CH3I. All of these various forms can be interconverted in the
oceans. Phytoplankton, for example, take up iodate and convert it
into iodide, which is mostly, but not completely, released. Iodate is
also converted to iodide by bacteria in low oxygen environments of
the oceans.
Who uses iodine: Algae
The presence of large quantities of iodine in various species of
marine algae has been known for nearly 100 years. Plankton,
micro/macroalgae, bacteria, fish, coralline algae, anemones,
sponges and other invertebrates utilise iodine, existing in natural
seawater mostly as iodide and iodate. Some species can contain
almost 1% iodine (100,000 ppm) by dry weight. Iodine is
concentrated considerably by all macroalgae, including the
Rhodophyta (red algae), Phaetophyta (kelp and other brown algae)
and the Chlorophyta (green algae). There are, however, great
species differences in the amount of iodine contained in the
macroalgae tissue. [22, 23] Japanese consume 4.6 grams of
seaweed per day and continue to be amongst the world’s healthiest
Drs Steve Hickey and Hilary Roberts have for a limited time made
the their new book: "Ridiculous Dietary Allowance" free (until Jan.
15th 2005) so more people can read it and understand what a
travesty the RDA limits are. In the pretense of improving our health
these guidelines actually hinder it.
The same rationale for iodine was used for the RDA of vitamin C;
that is the daily, miniscule amount that prevents your teeth from
falling out (scurvy). The RDA for iodine was established based on
data supplied by endocrinologists regarding the minimum amount
of iodine needed for synthesis of thyroid hormones. Based on
research performed by other investigators on animals who can
synthesize vitamin C, Linus Pauling suggested that the optimal
intake of vitamin C for humans was around 100 fold the RDA.
Pauling was ridiculed by physicians for attacking the sacred cow,
the RDA. He consulted with his friend, the discoverer of vitamin C,
A. Szent-Györgyi. This is an excerpt from Szent-Györgyi’s reply:
“…the medical profession said that if your don’t get scurvy you are
all right. I think that is a very grave error. Scurvy is not the first sign
of the deficiency but a premortal syndrome.”
(Szent-Györgyi, To Pauling, 1966)
Based on a review of the literature, Dr. Abraham's research group
have calculated that a daily intake of 6 mg iodide would be required
for sufficiency of the thyroid gland alone, without considering the
rest of the human body. (Abraham et al, Orig. Int., 9:30-41, 2002)
The medical use of Iodine and iodides has more than a 100 year
history. Rural Medicine Editor of Medical World, Dr. DeForest
Clinton Jarvis, born in 1881, a member of the Academy of
Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology, the American Medical
Association and other leading medical societies of the time was a
great user and advocate of
Lugol's solution. His interest in the folk
medicine of Vermont began soon after the start of his medical
practice. To counter the effects of iodine loss, Dr. Jarvis
recommended various methods including: (1) Eating foods rich in
iodine: food from the ocean, radishes, asparagus, carrots,
tomatoes, spinach, rhubarb, potatoes, peas, strawberries,
mushrooms, lettuce, bananas, cabbage, egg yolk, and onions; (2)
Painting a small area of the body with tincture of iodine; and (3)
taking preparations known to be rich in iodine, including cod liver
oil, kelp tablets ...
But he was particularly keen on the power of
Lugol's iodine, for
treating various illnesses, including colds and flu, and for
countering the effects of stress: "Supposing you do follow the
suggestions outlined above and find that some weeks the pressures
of your private and your business life are causing you to lose the
ability to bounce back. Then you should add a drop of Lugol's
solution of iodine to your glass of apple or grape juice at breakfast,
or you may take it in the mixture of apple cider vinegar and water.
The point is that the potassium in the solution (Lugol's is 5%
potassium iodine) blocks off the body mechanism that organizes for
aggressive action, releasing its hold on the body when opportunity
for rest and relaxation arises. The iodine swings into action the
body and the building up and storing of body reserves. When
working under pressure, include the Lugol's solution dose each day
until the period of pressure passes. If it should happen that your
body becomes saturated with iodine, you will find that there is an
increase of moisture in the nose. If this occurs, omit the iodine until
the nose is normal."
" I believe the doctor of the future will be a teacher as well as a
His real job will be to teach people how to be healthy."
"All the old remedies do not do any harm if they do not do any good
which means they are safe remedies to take." Dr. D.C. Jarvis
The many uses of Iodine
1. Germicide: Elemental iodine is a potent germicide with wide
spectrum and low tissue toxicity. A solution of 50 ppm (eg, 50 mg/L)
kills bacteria in 1 min and bacterial spores in 15 min. Topically,
Iodine is excellent for toenail fungus, ringworm, fever blisters,
moles and skin tags, warts, hangnails, etc. Just a few drops on a
q-tip is all it takes. Use daily until the topical gaffes are gone.
2. Water purification: Iodine has been used to disinfect water for
nearly a century. It has advantages over chlorine in convenience
and probably efficacy; many travellers find the taste less offensive
as well. It appears safe for short and intermediate length use (3-6
months), but questions remain about its safety in long-term usage.
It should not be used for a long term by persons with allergy to
iodine, persons with active thyroid disease, or pregnant women.
A retired Indian physician used of
SSKI during more than 30 years
traveling from village to village in rural Africa. Most usually, the
only drinking water available was from a local stream or river,
muddy and contaminated. After removing sediment and debris by
straining the dirty water through cheesecloth, he'd add several
drops of
SSKI , and wait two to three minutes. He and his team
could then drink the water. In over 30 years, he never got an
infection from contaminated water. The
SSKI killed any
micro-organisms present.
Note that Iodine and other halogens appear to be relatively
ineffective at killing cyclospora, a troublesome diarrhea-causing
bacteria seen in Nepal only in the late Spring and Summer months.
At these times it may be reasonable to pre-filter water to remove the
large cyclospora (about the size of Giardia cysts), and then treating
with iodine.
Iodine Preparations
Iodine Topical Solution
8 drops
Iodine Tincture
8 drops
Lugol's Solution
4 drops
Povidone-Iodine (Betadine®)
4 drops
Tetraglycine hydroperiodide
(Globaline®, Potable Aqua®, EDWGT®)
8 mg
1 tablet
Disinfecting Contact Times
5 °C 15 °C
30 min
15 min
60 min
30 min
Iodine Preparations
Iodine Topical Solution
8 drops
Iodine Tincture
8 drops
Lugol's Solution
4 drops
Povidone-Iodine (Betadine®)
4 drops
Tetraglycine hydroperiodide
(Globaline®, Potable Aqua®, EDWGT®)
8 mg
1 tablet
Disinfecting Contact Times
5 °C 15 °C
30 min
15 min
60 min
30 min
- final drinking concentrations calculated at 8 mg iodine/liter
- measure with a tuberculin syringe or dropper: 1 drop = 0.05 ml
- In general, if you are in a hurry double the chemical dose and
halve the contact time; if you want better flavor halve the dose and
double the contact time.
- If you believe the water may be heavily contaminated, double the
chemical dose or double the contact time.
- Iodine Topical Solution and Iodine Tincture also contain 2.4%
sodium iodide, Lugol's Solution also contains 10% potassium iodide,
increasing the dose of iodine ingested.
- Povidone is a non-toxic polymer that binds the iodine and allows
higher concentrations in a water-based solution. This complex
system provides a sustained-release reservoir of free iodine, and
makes calculation of the "strength" of the solution difficult.
- A system comprising iodine crystals in plain water is available,
and works well. It lasts an extremely long time. I have not shown it
here because the amount of iodine dissolved in the water is highly
temperature-dependent, and this is problematic in the universally
cold environment of the Himalaya.
- Addition of a small amount of vitamin C (50 mg) to your water
after the contact time with the iodine will render the water nearly
3. Radioactive Fallout: There is no medicine that will effectively
prevent nuclear radiations from damaging the human body cells
that they strike. However, a salt of the elements potassium and
iodine, taken orally even in very small quantities 1/2 hour to 1 day
before radioactive iodines are swallowed or inhaled, prevents
about 99% of the damage to the thyroid gland that otherwise would
result. The thyroid gland readily absorbs both non-radioactive and
radioactive iodine, and normally it retains much of this element in
either or both forms.
When ordinary, non-radioactive iodine is made available in the
blood for absorption by the thyroid gland before any radioactive
iodine is made available, the gland will absorb and retain so much
that it becomes saturated with non-radioactive iodine. When
saturated, the thyroid can absorb only about l% as much additional
iodine, including radioactive forms that later may become available
in the blood: then it is said to be blocked. (Excess iodine in the blood
is rapidly eliminated by the action of the kidneys.)
4. Fibrocystic Breasts: Many women develop "fibrocystic breast
disease". In the 1970s, pioneering trace element researcher Dr.
John Myers showed that iodine would eliminate even the most
severe cases of fibrocystic breast disease. In "medium" to "minor"
cases, 6 to 8 drops of SSKI or Lugol's taken in a few
ounces of water
daily will frequently reduce fibrocystic breast disease to
insignificance within three to six months. [16]
5. Herpes virus: If the truth be known, there are many chemicals
that destroy or inactivate the herpes simplex virus. Iodine is a very
common antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal agent for topical use. A
bit of a water soluble iodine complex like Povidine Iodine (Betadine
iodine) might be added to the "zinc gluconate" wash to help in the
struggle against herpes. Tincture of iodine is also used, but it is in
alcohol, which may sting tender tissues. Iodine stains the skin and
clothing, and it is absorbed into the skin where it has its activity. An
iodine-colored zinc gluconate wash might be helpful in reminding
one to retreat. Iodine disappears into the skin at rates that are
different between people. For example, in a very small 1975 study
patients with vulvovaginal and cervical herpes virus infections were
treated with a regimen of external and intravaginal
povidone-iodine preparations. In all but one case, the expected
duration of symptoms and healing time were shortened.
7. Ophthalmia neonatorum prevention. "Ophthalmia neonatorum"
is defined as conjunctivitis with eye discharge that occurs during
the first month of life. Various bacteria can cause this condition,
including gonococcus and Chlamydia trachomatis . Several agents
have been used as drops in the eyes to prevent this condition in
infants, including erythromycin, silver nitrate, gentamicin, and
Povidone-iodine. Tetracycline and penicillin drops have also been
used. Although this condition is now uncommon in industrialized
nations, it remains a problem in the developing world with an
incidence as high as 20-30% and cases of blindness reported in
Africa each year. Povidone-iodine ophthalmic solution appears to
have broad spectrum activity against bacteria, and is less expensive
than many
Antibiotics . It therefore may be a cost-effective option in
some populations. One drop of 2.5% solution in each eye has been
demonstrated as being effective in multiple studies.
8. Molluscum contagiosum: Iodine has been suggested as a topical
treatment for molluscum.
9. Ovarian cysts: It's very likely that SSKI helps eliminate
fibrocystic breast disease and ovarian cysts at least partly through
it's interaction with estrogens….which brings us to another
important use for SSKI (and other forms of iodine such as "Lugol's
solution" and "di-atomic iodine"). All of these forms of iodine help
your body to metabolize estrone (a slightly carcinogenic human
estrogen) and 16-alpha-hydroxyestrone (a much more dangerous
metabolite of human estrogen) into estriol, an "anti-carcinogenic"
or at worst "neutral" form of human estrogen.
10. Dupuytren's contracture and Peyronie's disease are two
"fibrotic" conditions that can be helped considerably by SSKI or
Lugol's solution. In Dupuytren's contracture, thickening (fibrosis)
occurs along one of the tendons in the palm in the hand, pulling the
related finger down towards the palm. As the problem progresses,
the finger often can't be straightened any more.
In Peyronie's disease, a very similar thickening occurs along the
shaft of the penis, making erections increasing "curved" and
painful. In both cases, rubbing SSKI into the thickened tissue at
least twice daily softens and lessens the fibrotic area over a period
of several months, allowing for more normal function.
For these conditions, it's additionally helpful to take
benzoic acid (PABA) 2 grams, three times daily, and to
rub a mixture of Vitamin E and DMSO into the thickened areas,
also. However, if "caught early", SSKI alone will often "do the job".
11. Keloids are abnormally thick scars, sometimes as much as an
inch thick, that can form after injury. Although anyone can get a
keloid, they're more common among blacks than other ethnic
groups. Rubbing SSKI into a keloid at least twice daily will
ultimately flatten them down to a "normal scar", but it can take
many months to a year for particularly bad ones. The treatment
goes faster if SSKI or Lugol's is mixed "50-50" with DMSO.
12. Fistulas are literally abnormal tunnels through tissues,
"tunnels" prevented from healing by chronic infection. Two
not-unusual types are "peri-anal fistulas" (a "tunnel" from outside
the anus to the inside of the rectum) and "recto-vaginal" fistulas.
Although these fistulas can be treated successfully by surgery, they
can often be healed by frequent swabbing inside and out with an
SSKI-soaked "Q-tip". Patience is required: Complete healing often
takes several months. The treatment appears to work better if the
SSKI is mixed with DMSO, which enhances penetration.
13. Hemorrhoids. Richard Kunin, M.D. of San Francisco, is a
"world class" expert on the use of SSKI and other forms of iodine.
He has found that hemorrhoids will sometimes disappear literally
overnight, when SSKI (20 drops) mixed with flaxseed oil (1 ounce)
is rubbed in them at bedtime. He's also found that SSKI alone will
do the same job, although it "really stings" when applied to a
hemorrhoid by itself.
14. Arteriosclerosis. Over 30 years ago, two ophthalmologists
observed that a combination tablet called "Iodo-niacin" (iodide 120
milligrams, niacin 15 milligrams) taken for several months could
actually reverse atherosclerotic clogging of arteries. They proved
this effect by taking pictures of clogged arteries in the backs of the
eyes (retinal photomicrographs) before and after treatment. The
published photographs showed a significant lessening of the
cholesterol-laden artery clogging in the "after" pictures. [14] True
to cause, no follow-up study has ever been published (probably
because niacin and iodide aren't patentable). Recommended is 1 to
2 drops of SSKI or Lugol's and niacin-containing B-complex daily
(along with essential fatty acids or fish oil) for anyone with
significant cholesterol-related atherosclerotic clogging. Thyroid
function must be monitored!
15. Sebaceous cysts are cysts which contain oily, fatty material.
They usually appear rather suddenly on the face or in the groin or
labia. Rubbing in SSKI mixed 50-50 with DMSO will almost always
persuade these cysts to go away in a week or two; it appears that the
iodide "dissolves" the fatty, oily material contained in the cysts,
allowing your body to slowly re-absorb and dispose of it. The
famous chemistry professor Louis Feiser made a point of
demonstrating to all the medical students that iodine and iodide
would make oils, fats, and waxes (cholesterol is actually a wax)
more soluble in water. This known action of iodide might likely
explain why it might be needed in patients with lipomas.
16. Sialoliths, parotid duct stone. These are "stones" which can
form in the saliva-carrying duct(s) from the major salivary glands
("parotid" glands, located at the "angle of the jaw"). 3 to 4 drops of
SSKI taken in water daily reportedly will almost always dissolve
parotid duct stones within four to eight months.
17. Chronic bronchitis and emphysema ("COPD"). Lugol's is an
invaluable medicine, it gets into all body secretions, including often
thick and hard to cough up bronchial secretions, which get infected
very easily. As a well known and old time expectoran, it "loosens"
secretions remarkably, making them much easier to expectorate,
and it prevents micro-organisms from growing easily. With regular
use, bronchial infection is a much less frequent problem for these
patients. Depending on the severity of COPD, I recommend 3 to 6
drops of lugol's taken in water once daily. As COPD is usually a
chronic condition, use will usually be indefinite, so make sure to
monitor thyroid function!
18. Infected hangnails are perhaps the easiest to clear up this way,
as are nagging bacterial infections around the edges of the toenails.
Rub in the mixture several times daily, and the problem's usually
gone in a few days. Herpes simplex ("herpes") ourbreaks can be
"stopped cold" in the same way, but it often takes longer for the
"sore" to heal itself over.
19. Enlarged tonsils. Persistent "swollen glands" in the throat or
groin areas, see a doctor first! These can very rarely be signs of
leukemia, lymphoma, or another cancer, especially in older people.
But if all tests and studies are negative, rub in the SSKI with DMSO.
In a large majority of cases, the "just swollen glands" will gradually
fade away.
20. Onychomycosis. Fungus under the toenails is a difficult
problem to treat. Even "conventional" anti-fungal drug treatment
takes months to work, and (for safety) monthly liver function tests
are necessary. Lugol's or Tincture of Iodine and DMSO rubbed on,
around, and under the affected toenails doesn't work any faster,
but it's just as effective, and definitely safer.
21. Vaginal infections. 20 to 30 drops in water, used in a small
"douche" once daily for five to ten days will usually resolve the
infection in several days.
22. Bladder Infections. 1-2 drops of lugol's in a glass of water, four
times daily. Since the iodide excretion generally exits the kidney in
four hours, for a severe bladder infection give it every four hours. I
have treated successfully some of the worst bladder infections by
this method. Lugol's works better than
Antibiotics , and unlike
Antibiotics , the infection is not so nearly prone to return.
23. Hypothyroidism. Even though iodine and iodide are absolutely
essential to thyroid hormone formation, in most "developed"
countries, hypothyroid conditions are not usually due to an outright
lack of iodine or iodide. Still, hypothyroidism is occasionally helped
by 1 drop of lugol's daily. Make sure to monitor the thyroid profiles!
24. Vegan gas. reducing the gas from eating beans! Macrobioticists
have know for years that cooking beans with seaweed reduces bean
flatus. If you're soaking beans before cooking them, add 1 or 2
drops of Lugol's, and let them soak for an hour or more. Pour offf
that water before cooking, and add fresh water. You'll be surprised
at the reduction in resulting intestinal gas! (Technical explanation:
There's a naturally occurring enzyme inhibitor in beans which
interferes with starch digestion in the gut, producing gas. Lugol's
inactivates this enzyme inhibitor.)
25. Baldness: In Mexico, some people have used iodine as a means
of preventing baldness. One woman used iodine for years as a
preventive measure against her baldness. She used it as a rinse
after washing her hair. Another woman told me to "cure" a bald
spot by dabbing iodine on the bald spot or area of thinning hair.
After a while, a crust will form. Eventually, beneath the crust fine
hairs will start to grow. She said it can take about three months to
see the results.
26. Heavy Metal Detox. The bioavailability of a Lugol's containing
12.5 mg elemental iodine was evaluated by measuring 24 hr urine
levels of iodide together with the minerals, trace elements and toxic
metals before and after administration of this preparation. The
results obtained following iodine supplementation revealed that in
some subjects, the urine levels of mercury, lead and cadmium
increased by several fold after just one day of supplementation. For
aluminum, this increased excretion was not observed usually until
after one month or more on the iodine supplementation. [15]
Preliminary data so far suggest that orthoiodosupplementation
results in detoxification of the body from the toxic metals
aluminum, cadmium, lead and mercury. One of the old materia
medicas listed using iodine for mercury detoxification. [Mercurial
Poisoning, and other chronic metallic toxaemiae, —Potassium
Iodide, to promote elimination of the poison.]
27. Precancerous skin lesions: From my own clinical experience,
repeated application of Lugol’s to the skin appears to cause
regeneration of the skin from the bottom up, causing eventually
sloughing the old version of the skin off. It is very helpful in
granulation of new skin in leg ulcers when used twice daily as a
wound spray. For suspicious spots, if there was a pre-cancerous
lesion on the old skin, it is replaced with new skin minus the lesion.
There does not seem to be any skin lesions which are not helped or
cured by this procedure. In some cases I found clinically obvious
low thyroid conditions also needed to be treated to be more
aggressively. Minor lacerations and healing of surgical wounds
respond well. If skin regeneration is from the bottom, then there is
little or no scar formation. It is better than vitamin E, but that helps
28. Cuts and scabs. It is my belief a water solution of iodine (like
Lugol's) is an important therapeutic agent for skin. Because of its
effectiveness and the results, perhaps many skin diseases are
related to local tissue areas of relative iodine deficiency. Perhaps
the most graphic lesions are the "keloid" (worm) incision scars
formed after surgical procedures. If the iodine intake and tissue
levels are adequate, such as in Japan, keloid formation doesn't
happen (17). In addition, iodine's ability to trigger natural cell death
(apoptosis) (18) makes it effective against all pre-cancerous skin
lesions and likely many cancerous lesions. The local site is replaced
with normal skin.
Our older generation tended to put tincture of iodine onto a fresh
wound to prevent infection. This turns out to be helpful. It is much
more effective (and doesn't hurt) to apply iodine repeatedly after a
scab has been formed also. The iodine put onto the scab helps to
organize total repair of the tissue. It is implied a similar approach
could be taken to burns of all depths but at the same time the
physiology of burns suggest there is an acute lack of thyroid
29. Common cold. The next time you feel that scratchy throat or
that first onset snuffle, reach for a bottle of Lugol's and start
snorting from the open top. You may be surprized to see it rapidly
quench a rhinovirus infection before it sets in.
30. Breast Cancer: Based on an extensive review of breast cancer
epidemiological studies, R.A. Wiseman [25] came to the following
conclusions: 92-96% of
Breast Cancer cases are sporadic; there is a
single cause for the majority of cases; the causative agent is
deficiency of a micronutrient that is depleted by a high-fat diet; and
if such an agent is detected, intervention studies with
supplementation should lead to a decline in the incidence of breast
cancer. It is the opinion of several investigators that this protective
micronutrient is the essential element iodine. [26] Demographic
surveys of Japan and Iceland revealed that both countries have a
relatively high intake of iodine and low incidences of simple
endemic goiter and breast cancer. Whereas in Mexico and
Thailand, just the reverse is observed -- a high incidence of both
endemic goiter and breast cancer.
From one year of clinical observations and experience in the use of
dispensing oral lugol's, I believe that 80% of North Americans, and
by extension the general populations, are iodine/iodide defficient.
They used to put iodine in many flour products before 1966, then
they discovered bromide, it is easier, cheaper, and makes
ingredients mix well, so it's in all of our bread, flour products,
cakes, even Gatorade, Mountain Dew and it was found in Dansani
water too! Bromide is a serious goitrogen. The anion salt of
hydrogen bromide (HBr); and several salts were formerly used as
sedatives, hypnotics, and anticonvulsants. Chronic bromide
intoxication is characterized by headache, drowsiness, confusion
and occasionally violent delirium, muscular weakness, cardiac
depression, an acneform eruption, foul breath, anorexia, and
gastric distress. Sound familiar?
Fluoride, chlorine, bromide & iodine are all halogens, their atomic
weight determines which one deletes the other, fluoride being the
worst. Iodine is the loser, so all three compete with iodine. That's
why we are all deficient, we cannot escape fluoride, chlorine and
bromide! It's in food and water. J.C. Jarvis, was particularly fond of
iodine replacement due to the chorine content of our drinking
water. [9] He writes: "The clinical activity of any one of these four
halogens is in inverse proportion to its atomic weight. This means
that any one of the four can displace the element with a higher
atomic weight, but cannot displace an element with a lower atomic
weight. For example, flourine can displace chlorine, bromine and
iodine because flourine has a lower atomic weight than the other
three. Similarly, chlorine can displace bromine and iodine because
they both have a higher atomic weight. Likewise, bromine can
displace iodine from the body because iodine has a higher atomic
weight. But a reverse order is not possible. A knowledge of this
well-known chemical law brings us to a consideration of the
addition of chlorine to our drinking water as a purifying agent. We
secure a drinking water that is harmful to the body not because of
its harmful germ content but because the chlorine content now
causes the body to lose the much-needed iodine...
There is mounting evidence that the major contributor of breast,
ovarian, uterine and prostrate fibroids and cancers is dietary
iodine deficiency. Iodine deficiency is probably also a major
contributor of obesity,
Arthritis and some mental illness. I think
that the MD's who performed the research for these discoveries
should be nominated for the Nobel Prize. The health care
implications for this discovery are enormous. Virtually every older
patient I see shows some symptoms of iodine deficiency and those
symptoms are fibroids/cysts of the reproductive organs, thyroid
problems, obesity, arthritis, dry eyes, compromised immune
systems, reduced sex drive, urinary tract infections, enlarged
prostate, and a long list of other symptoms. Some young people
already show symptoms of iodine deficiency such as
Acne and ADD.
Iodine deficiency may play a role in autism.
As cheap as making Lugol's is, and the universal medical uses as a
disinfectant and germicide, would be of great service to all
impoverished countries. Its implications on the benefit to HIV,
tuberculosis and malaria deserve important attention.
[Malaria,—the Ammonium Iodide with Arsenic, in chronic
Iodine deficiency is responsible not only for very widespread
endemic goitre and cretinism, but also for retarded physical growth
and intellectual development and a variety of other conditions.
These conditions together are now termed iodine deficiency
disorders (IDD). They are particularly important because:
• · perhaps one-quarter to oneo-half of the world's people consume
inadequate amounts of iodine;
• · the disorders have a major impact on the individual and on
• · of the four major deficiency diseases, IDD is the easiest to
The treatment of goitre caused by iodine deficiency is easy and
satisfying in the case of a simple goitre or a colloid goitre that is not
very large. Usually either
Potassium Iodide (6 mg daily) or Lugol's
iodine (one drop daily for ten days, then one drop weekly) will lead
to a fairly rapid reduction in the size of the goitre. One drop of
Lugol's iodine provides about 6 mg of iodine. Alternatively, Lugol's
iodine can be diluted in any small hospital laboratory so that one
teaspoonful of the dilute solution yields 1 mg of iodine. Lugol's
solution is very cheap and is widely available. Of primaryschool
children treated in Tanzania, over 60 percent with Grade 1 goitre
had no goitre after 12 weeks of receiving Lugol's iodine, and most
larger goitres had improved markedly. The alternative treatment
which is also effective but which needs careful medical supervision
is the use of thyroid extract or medicinal thyroxine, which makes no
sense as it does not treat the cause, only the effect.
Clearly, rather than treating each individual who has goitre caused
by iodine deficiency, it is much preferable to take measures to
control iodine deficiency in the community, the district or the
nation. The most common measure is iodization of salt, which will
reduce the prevalence and also the severity of goitre over a
relatively short period among those who consume the salt. But salt
itself is not healthy and the amounts of iodide are very scanty. If
rural doctors would use iodine routinely as a drug, and iodine was
freely dispensed to purify drinking water, so many more health
benefits would be enjoyed.
There has been no significant clinical research on iodine therapy or
use for over 40 years until recently that of Dr. Abraham. I feel it is
important for research to be directed at this potentially significant
area of medical treatment. It is worth noting the greatest part of
significant research with iodine was done before the Medline
search facilities were available. Since large doses of iodine are
tolerated intravenously without side effects, it has yet to be
explored what help this may have for many cancer patients or even
other diseases like malaria, HIV. lyme's disease, and tuberculosis.
For many decades in the 1800s people carried around little bottles
of iodine around their necks to use on all occasions, just as before
they used garlic during the plague. People in mosquito, fly and tic
infested areas should think of doing this again. Iodine put onto a
mosquito bite would kill all bacteria and viruses at the site of the
bite within 10-30 seconds making it impossible for any virus or
bacteria to multiply and get started --such as in West Nile Fever. In
addition, it has been forgotten vaporized iodine rapidly kills air
borne viruses such as polio and SARS viruses.. Used extensively in
the forties and fifties it may be of use to explore this approach
A Compend of Materia Medica, Therapeutics, and Prescription
by Sam’l O. L. Potter, M.D., M.R.C.P.L., 1902.
Therapeutics of Iodine. The Tincture is much used locally as a
counterirritant, and an alterative application. Iodo-tannin is chiefly
employed as an antiseptic and alterative application in local
diseases. The preparations of Iodine are used with benefit in—
Catarrh and Hay Fever,—inhalations of Iodine or the Carbolate.
Inflammations,—Tincture of Iodine locally, to promote absorption.
Skin Diseases,—the Glycerite or Tincture, in chloasma, lentigo,
Chronic Diseases of the Spleen and Liver,— the Tincture or
Ointment may be used locally for counter-irritation.
Glandular Tumors, hypertrophied tonsils, cervical cysts, etc.,—the
Tincture or Compound Solution parenchymatously injected, is an
efficient resolvent.
Empyema, Hydrocele, Ovarian Cysts, etc. ,—the Tincture injected
undiluted, is one of the best applications to prevent return of the
Sores, Ulcers, Fissures, etc,—Iodoform, Iodo-tannin, or Iodized
Starch, are highly recommended, as local antiseptics and
Vomiting of Pregnancy,—drop doses of the tincture every hour,
have often succeeded in very obstinate cases.
Therapeutics of the Iodides. They are especially used in—
Acute Catarrh and Hay Fever,—Potassium Iodide with Arsenic
internally ; also Iodine and Carbolic Acid in weak solution locally .
Chronic and Capillary Bronchitis,—the Ammonium Iodide, in small
doses, rapidly administered, is remarkably efficacious.
Catarrhal Pneumonia,—the Ammonium Iodide, to prevent
caseation of the products. Arsenic may well be combined with it.
Spasmodic Asthma,—Potassium Iodide, in 15 to 30-gr. doses, is
often very efficient, especially when the asthma is due to bronchial
Hepatic Cirrhosis, in the first stage,—Ammonium Iodide with
Duodenal Catarrh, and jaundice therefrom,—Ammonium Iodide.
Aneurisms,—Potassium Iodide, in large doses (gr. xv-xxx) is often
curative of internal aneurisms, when conjoined with absolute rest.
Tertiary Syphilis, and many of its results, as neuralgiae, paralysis
from gummata, syphilitic ulcerations, syphiloma of the internal
viscera, chronic rheumatism and sciatica of syphilitic origin, lupus
of syphilitic or scrofulous origin,—are all best treated by Potassium
Mercurial Poisoning, and other chronic metallic toxaemiae,
—Potassium Iodide, to promote elimination of the poison.
Malaria,—the Ammonium Iodide with Arsenic, in chronic malaria.
Tonsillitis, and simple sore throat,—a weak solution of Potassium
Chronic Bright's Disease,—the prolonged use of Potassium Iodide
has seemed to retard the progress of the parenchymatous changes.
Diagnostic Used of Iodine/Iodide
1. .Gram iodine: Iodine crystals 1.0 gm
Potassium Iodide 2.0 gm ,
Distilled water 300 ml. Gram's stain is a method for differential
staining of bacteria; smears are fixed by flaming, stained in a
solution of crystal violet, treated with iodine solution, rinsed,
decolorized, and then counterstained with safranin O;
Gram-positive organisms stain purple black and Gram-negative
organisms stain pink; useful in bacterial taxonomy and
identification, and also in indicating fundamental differences in cell
wall structure.
Grind the dry iodine and
Potassium Iodide in a mortar. Add water,
a few ml at a time, and grind thoroughly after each addition until
the iodine and iodide dissolve. Rinse the solution into an amber
glass bottle with the remainder of the distilled water.
2. Vaginal smears: This is a simple test to detect the onset of
menopause: swab the vagina with a q-tip, place on a glass slide and
put it over a small vial of a few drops of lugol's. Let the iodine
evaporate and fixate to the slide for 5 minutes. If glycogen is
present, it will stain reddish orange, if no glycogen is present,
meaning onset of menopause, it will not stain or show a very faint
3. Pap smears: Schiller's test is a test for nonglycogen-containing
areas of the portio vaginalis of the cervix, which may be the site of
early carcinoma; such areas fail to stain dark brown with iodine
solution; loss of glycogen due to erosion and other benign
conditions may also give a positive result. The old naturopaths
learned that by using this as a cheap and easy office test for cervical
screening, the breast nods disappeared in 3-6 months after
diagnosis! This is indisputable proof. of the value of the Schiller
Lugol test and is a definite aid in locating cervical cancer.
Sources of Iodine:
Tincture of Iodine: USP tincture of iodine contains 2% iodine and
2.4% sodium iodide dissolved in 50% ethyl alcohol. For water
purification use, the sodium iodide has no purification effect, but
contributes to the total iodine dose. Thus it is not a preferred source
of iodine, but can be used if other sources are not available. 0.4 cc's
(or 8 drops) of USP tincture (2% iodine) added to a liter of water will
give the 8 mg/l (same as 8 PPM). If the iodine tincture isn't
compounded to USP specs, then you will have to calculate an equal
dose based on the iodine concentration.
SSKI: The "SS" in "SSKI" refers to "Saturated Solution Potassium
Iodide". Potassium iodide (KI) is an odorless, colorless,
transparent or opaque crystalline substance. It may occur as a
white granular powder. In either case, the powder is fairly
hygroscopic. One gram is soluble in 0.7 mL of water, about 23 mL of
alcohol, and 2 mL of glycerin. Aqueous solutions are neutral or
alkaline to litmus. When iodine is added to an aqueous solution of
KI, a dark brown solution containing potassium triiodide is formed.
The chemical should be stored in containers with tight-fitting lids
and should be protected from light. In acid,
KI decomposes rapidly
to liberate iodine; the reaction can be retarded with sugar.
Oxidizing agents will liberate iodine from KI as the agent is
Saturated solution of KI may be used instead of Lugol’s solution to
treat toxic goiter. The dose is 0.3 mL (well diluted), 3 times daily.
This solution is potassium iodide oral solution USP, containing 94%
to 106% of the labeled amount of KI. The former National
Formulary SSKI monograph defined it as containing 97 g to 103 g of
KI in each 100 mL of solution. Other medically useful forms of
iodine include "Lugol's solution", invented by Dr.
Lugol of Paris in
the 1840s, which contains a mixture of types of iodine and iodide,
and "di-atomic iodine", which is another name for iodine, but
usually prepared as a solid in a capsule instead of a liquid.
Lugol's solution: Contains 5% iodine and 10% potassium iodide.
0.15 cc (3 drops) can be added per liter of water, but 3 times more
iodine is consumed compared to sources without iodide.
Betadyne (povidone iodine): Some have recommended 8 drops of
10% povidone iodine per liter of water as a water treatment method,
claiming that at low concentrations povidone iodine can be
regarded as a solution of iodine. One study indicated that at
1:10,000 dilution (2 drops/liter), there was 2 PPM iodine, while
another study resulted in conflicting results. However, at 8
drops/liter, there is little doubt that there is an antimicrobial effect.
The manufacturer hasn't spent the money on testing this product
against EPA standard tests, but in other countries it has been sold
for use in field water treatment.
Kahn-Vassher solution: By adding a sufficient amount of iodine
crystals to a small bottle, an almost unlimited supply of saturated
iodine solution can be produced. As long as crystals remain in the
bottle, the solution is saturated.
The safety of long-term exposure to low levels of iodine was proven
when inmates of three Florida prisons were given water disinfected
with 0.5 to 1.0 PPM iodine for 15 years. No effects on the health or
thyroid function of previously healthy inmates was observed. Of 101
infants born to prisoners drinking the water for 122- 270 days,
none showed detectable thyroid enlargement. However 4
individuals with preexisting cases of hyperthyroidism became more
symptomatic while consuming the water.
Nevertheless experts are reluctant to recommend iodine for long
term use. Average American iodine intake is estimated at 0.24 to
0.74 mg/day, higher than the RDA of 0.4 mg/day. Due to a recent
National Academy of
Science recommendation that iodine
consumption be reduced to the RDA, the EPA discourages the use of
iodized salt in areas where iodine is used to treat drinking water.
Some individuals are allergic/hypersensitive to iodide or to organic
preparations containing iodine. Hypersensitivity reactions may
involve rash, angioedema (throat swelling), cutaneous/mucosal
hemorrhage (bleeding), fever, arthralgias (joint pains),
eosinophilia (abnormal blood counts), urticaria (hives), thrombotic
thrombocytopenic purpura, or severe periarteritis (inflammation
around blood vessels). Reactions can be severe and deaths have
occurred with exposure. Iodine-based products should be avoided if
there is known allergy/hypersensitivity to iodine.
Topical use of iodine preparations may irritate/burn tissues and
cause sensitization in some individuals.
Note: This review does not cover adverse effects associated with
intravenous iodine-based contrast agents used for CT scan imaging,
or radioactive iodine.
General: Iodine preparations used orally (by mouth) or topically
(on the skin) are generally considered to be safe in healthy
non-allergic individuals when used in recommended amounts, not
exceeding tolerated upper limits. Higher amounts taken acutely or
chronically may result in adverse effects.
Acute toxicity: Acute iodine poisoning is rare and generally occurs
only with doses of many grams. Symptoms may include burning of
the mouth, throat, and stomach, fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
cardiovascular compromise, and loss of consciousness/coma.
Most people are unaffected by excess iodine. The dosages and
responses presented here represent those individuals who respond
adversely to excessive levels. The studies providin incidence
information indicate that probably less than 10% the general
population responds adversely to excess iodine. Side effects have
not been reported from the current high levels of iodine
(0.200-0.710 for teenagers and adults) in the USA food supply. The
National Academy of Sciences (1980) has indicated that levels of
iodine intake between 0.050 and one mg per day are safe, however
no references are provided to substantiate this fact.
Chronic toxicity (iodism, intoxication): There are three "hazards" to
using SSKI: staining, allergy, and a very small possibility of thyroid
suppression with longer-term use of "too much". Chronic iodism,
also known as iodide intoxication, may cause eye irritation, eyelid
swelling, unpleasant/metallic taste, burning or swelling of the
mouth/throat, soreness of the gums/teeth, increased salivation,
gastrointestinal upset, diarrhea, anorexia, flu-like symptoms,
sneezing, cough, pulmonary edema (fluid in the lungs), confusion,
headache, fatigue, depression, numbness, tingling, pain, weakness,
muscle aches, easy bruising, irregular heart beat, or acne-like skin
lesions. Prolonged excess intake of iodides can lead to thyroid gland
dysfunction including hypo- or hyperthyroidism, parotiditis,
thyroid gland hyperplasia (enlargement), thyroid adenoma, goiter,
autoimmunity, and elevated thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)
Iodide acne: a follicular eruption on the face, trunk, and
extremities, due to injection or ingestion of iodide in a
hypersensitive individual.
Endocrine (thyroid effects): Prolonged excess intake of iodides can
lead to thyroid gland dysfunction including hypo- or
hyperthyroidism, thyroid gland hyperplasia (enlargement), thyroid
adenoma, goiter, autoimmunity, and elevated thyroid stimulating
hormone (TSH) levels. Individuals with autoimmune thyroid
disease (AITD) may have increased sensitivity to adverse effects of
iodine. Those with previous iodine deficiency or nodular goiter may
be particularly susceptible.
Dermatologic: Topical cadexomer iodine has been associated with
local burning sensation in clinical trials. Cutaneous (skin)
intolerance may develop with the topical use of iodinated
polyvidone. Other reported reactions to tinctures include rash,
blistering, crusting, irritation, itching, or erythema (reddening) of
skin. Topical use of iodine may stain the skin.
Ocular/Otic: Eyelid edema may result from administration of
Genitourinary: Povidone-iodine bladder irrigation has been
associated with increased risk of urinary tract infection.
Renal: Sodium iodide should be used cautiously in those with renal
Lugol solution and saturated solution of potassium iodide
(SSKI, PIMA) should be avoided in those with hyperkalemia. (Note:
This review does not cover adverse effects associated with
intravenous iodine-based contrast agents used for CT scan imaging.
However, such contrast agents can cause impairment of kidney
function including permanent damage. Individuals with a history of
kidney disease or diabetes may be particularly susceptible. This
concern should be discussed with the patient's physician prior to
receiving intravenous contrast.)
Gastrointestinal: Sodium iodide should be used cautiously in those
with gastrointestinal obstruction.
Pulmonary: Lugol solution and saturated solution of potassium
iodide (SSKI, PIMA) should be avoided in patients with pulmonary
edema, bronchitis, or known tuberculosis.
Immunologic: It has been suggested thatapplication of
povidone-iodine to wounds (particularly surgical wounds) may
locally suppress immune cells and wound healing, and increase
susceptibility to local infection.
Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
Pregnancy: Iodine requirements are increased during pregnancy.
The U.S. recommended daily allowance of iodine for pregnant
women is 220mcg daily, which is higher than the recommended
daily dose for non-pregnant adults (150mcg). Iodine
supplementation during pregnancy may be particularly relevant in
areas of endemic iodine deficiency, such as non-industrialized
nations. Iodine deficiency during pregnancy has been associated
with an increased incidence of miscarriage, stillbirth, birth defects,
and mental retardation. Moreover, severe iodine deficiency during
pregnancy may result in congenital hypothyroidism in the
newborn. In contrast, excess iodine intake by pregnant women may
lead to effects of excess iodine in the fetus/newborn, including
thyroid dysfunction or skin irritation.
Labor: It has been suggested to avoid topical use of povidone-iodine
for perianal preparation during delivery or postpartum antisepsis
due to possible iodine absorption by the newborn, or absorption by
the mother leading to increased breastmilk iodine concentrations.
Other reports suggest that this may not be a significant concern.
Breastfeeding: The U.S. recommended daily allowance of iodine for
breastfeeding women is 290mcg daily, which is higher than the
recommended daily dose for non-pregnant adults (150mcg). Iodine
supplementation during breastfeeding may be particularly relevant
in areas of endemic iodine deficiency, such as non-industrialized
nations. Infants are particularly vulnerable to the effects of iodine
deficiency, and iodine deficient women may not be able to provide
sufficient iodine in their breastmilk.
1. Disease and History, Frederick Cartwright, 1972, Dorset Press
2. Ann. Chim. Phys., 15:49, 1820
3. Abraham, G.E., Flechas, J.D., Hakala, J.C., Optimum Levels of
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Internist, 9:5-20, 2002.
4. "GOITRE." LoveToKnow 1911 Online Encyclopedia
5. The World Salt Conference, entitled SALT2000, February 4,
2002, The Hague;
6. Arch. Int. Med., 49:950-956, 1932
7. Wolff, J., Am. J. Med., 47:101-124, 1969
8. Abraham, G.E., Townsend Letter, 245:100-101, 2003
9. Folk Medicine-D.C. Jarvis, M.D. -A Vermont Doctor's guide to
good health, weight loss, and allergy treatment using apple cider
vinegar,honey, kelp and iodine. Crest Book, 1958.
10. A Cancer Therapy: Results ol 50 Cases, by Max Gerson, 3rd
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11. Kirk-Othmer
Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, 1981; Whitehead, 1984
12. Szent-Györgyi, Bioenergetics
Academic Press, NY, p112, 1957
14. Use of Iodo-Niacin, Abrahamson, I. A.: American Journal of
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15. Iodine: The Universal Nutrient, Guy E. Abraham, M.D.
16. Derry, DM.
Breast Cancer and iodine How to prevent and
survive it. Trafford Publishing Victoria, Canada. 2001.
17. Updegraff,H.L. Reconstructive surgery and old facial burns.
JAMA 101:1138-1140, 1933. page 1139
18. Derry, D.M. One hour lecture: Iodine, thyroid hormone and
breast cancer. How to prevent and survive breast cancer. World
Breast Cancer Conference, Victoria BC June 4-6, 2002.
19. Nyiri,W., Jannitti,M.. About the fate of free iodine upon
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20. Biskind,M.S. Penetration through tissue of iodine in different
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22. Iodide and iodate concentrations in eastern Australian
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body. The Original Internist, 2002; 9(4):30-41.
useful links
Chemical Safety
Molecular mass: 253.8
FIRE Not combustible but enhances combustion of other
substances. Many reactions may cause fire or explosion. Gives off
irritating or toxic fumes (or gases) in a fire.
NO contact with flammable substances.
In case of fire in the surroundings: use appropriate
extinguishing media.
•INHALATION Cough. Wheezing. Laboured breathing.
Symptoms may be delayed (see Notes).
Ventilation (not if powder), local exhaust, or breathing
Fresh air, rest. Half-upright position. Artificial
respiration may be needed. Refer for medical attention.
•SKIN Redness. Pain.
Protective gloves. Protective clothing.
First rinse with plenty of water, then remove
contaminated clothes and rinse again.
•EYES Causes watering of the eyes. Redness. Pain.
Face shield or eye protection in combination with
breathing protection.
First rinse with plenty of water for several minutes
(remove contact lenses if easily possible), then take to a doctor.
•INGESTION Abdominal pain. Diarrhoea. Nausea.
Do not eat, drink, or smoke during work.
Rinse mouth. Give plenty of water to drink. Refer for
medical attention.
Sweep spilled substance into sealable containers; if appropriate,
moisten first to prevent dusting. Carefully collect remainder, then
remove to safe place. Do NOT absorb in saw-dust or other
combustible absorbents. Do NOT let this chemical enter the
environment. Personal protection: filter respirator for inorganic
gases, vapours and halogens.
Separated from incompatible materials . See Chemical
Dangers. Well closed. Ventilation along the floor.
Xn symbol
N symbol
R: 20/21-50
S: 2-23-25-61
Chemical Safety
Iodine readily sublimes.
Upon heating, toxic fumes are formed. The substance is a strong
oxidant and reacts with combustible and reducing materials.
Reacts violently with metal powders, antimony, ammonia,
acetaldehyde, acetylene causing fire and explosion hazard.
TLV: 0.1 ppm; (Ceiling value); (ACGIH 2004).
MAK: IIb (not established but data is available); (DFG 2005).
OSHA PEL: C 0.1 ppm (1 mg/m3)
NIOSH REL: C 0.1 ppm (1 mg/m3)
NIOSH IDLH: 2 ppm See: 7553562
The substance can be absorbed into the body by inhalation of its
vapour, through the skin and by ingestion.
A harmful contamination of the air can be reached rather quickly
on evaporation of this substance at 20°C.
Lachrymation. The substance is severely irritating to the eyes and
the respiratory tract , and is irritating to the skin . Inhalation of the
vapour may cause asthma-like reactions (RADS). Inhalation of the
vapour may cause lung oedema (see Notes). The effects may be
delayed. Medical observation is indicated.
Repeated or prolonged contact may cause skin sensitization in rare
cases. Repeated or prolonged inhalation exposure may cause
asthma-like syndrome (RADS). The substance may have effects on
the thyroid.
Boiling point: 184°C
Melting point: 114°C
Relative density (water = 1): 4.9
Solubility in water, g/100 ml at 20°C: 0.03
Vapour pressure, kPa at 25°C: 0.04
Relative vapour density (air = 1): 8.8
Relative density of the vapour/air-mixture at 20°C (air = 1): 1
Octanol/water partition coefficient as log Pow: 2.49