Newbie, skin brushing, developed rough spots
I started to brush my skin may be 2 wks ago 2-3 times a week.
Also started to do the
Epsom Salt & baking soda bath same time with the skin brush. The bath worked wonders on my skin, especially on my feet & hands. My feet are soft now like I just did pedicure. All the dead skin is gone and I can feel my own skin. This is amazing for me. I noticed this on the 1st bath soak.
Now, my question is I developed about 5 or 6 rough & dry skin patches about 1-2
inches wide on my chest area, neck and back. Not completely covered but spots. Those dry patches looked like --when some one got very cold the hair stands and the skin kind of has small pores. I am not sure if I explained it correctly. It does not itch or hurt.
I put, oils, like Vit.E with a few drops of tea tree oil, and coconut oil, castor oil cold pressed type, after bath or shower. Then it became softer but later still dry & rough. The good thing is not on my legs or face or hands, only on my chest area a lot.
And I also noticed recently a very small spots about 1/3 inch, 3 or more on my back & sides. these small spots reminds me of my childhood. I used to have them around my neck when I was very young. My mother used to call them as some type of worms and treated them with some cream. This cream from the pharmacy worked like a charm but the itching returned back more often.
These small spots, which I have now itches a little bit not much. If I scratched it some flaky skin came out of it.
I do not want to discontinue the skin brushing. Because I am convinced of its much more benefits from reading articles.
I wanted to know what is going on.
Some body please shade some light on this.
Thank you