Re: New juicer?
Hi Derrick...Sorry you haven't received an answer before now. My husband and I have
had a Champion Juicer for about 18 years...the same old juicer. :-) And we both
swear by juicing.
I have psoriasis...and if I get too busy and we don't juice for a while...and it comes back...I can have it totally gone in 3 days with juicing.....then my husband
will say, "You know...we need to take TIME for this
juicing every day" we'll
be really good about it for weeks...and then get busy and let it slide again.
But we live in the country...have a fairly big place and my husband is an articulate we are constantly working at something...but we love to stay busy.
Juicing is absolutely wonderful for your health...I can't say enough good things
about it.
I do know that it takes about one pound of carrots to make a glass of juice...but I've never counted the carrots in a pound. I buy the 5 pound bags when we're
juicing regularily. But we rarely have carrot only....our favorite is carrot, apple, and spinach...and to that...I usually add one or two other
cucumber, celery, beet or whatever...depending on what part of our body,if any...
we're especially trying to nourish.
If you're thinking about juicing...and you should be...I would suggest you go to
your local health food store and see if they have any of the N W Walker books...
2 of my favorites of his are....Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices...and also,
Diet and these books are NOT recipe books....but he goes into simple
detail about what organs in the body need what nutrients...and how to get those
nutrients through juicing....he also breaks down each veggie and fruit...and
tells you just what each of those will do for your body if juiced. They're just
wonderful books....I can't say enough good things about them.....and they sell for
about $5 to $8 at our local health food store...they're small...about the size of
a piece of paper folded.....paper back....and about 1/2
inch think...but worth their
weight in gold. You can also usually get them on ebay for even less.
Hope you take the juice won't be me! kathryn