DMSO should be brought to the foreground again as it is a tremendous health tool. I used this amazing chemical extensively for a period during the late 1970's and early 1980's without noticing any negative effects except for the taste which was immediately noticible.
I used it mostly as a transport for pain relievers at the time and it was amazing. If an aspirin was dissolved in DMSO and the solution was applied to an area of the body that was experiencing pain, a few seconds later, you could taste both the DMSO and the aspirin. The pain almost immediately faded. This was pretty solid proof that it worked.
Just make sure that if you ever use DMSO that it is purefied as some of the contaminates could be harmful.
The FDA is not likely to grant additional approvals for the use of DMSO because there is not a financial advantage. DMSO can not be patented.