Re: Scars CAN be healed
Since I started 3 months ago w. new diet and products, my scars from burns and steroids have reduced by around 30%, I estimate they may be significantly reduced by September this year, it IS a very long haul, because as you posted, you have change the deep layers of your skin.
Ive consitently used them for this time, but money and busy life will reduce my applications and will slow my healing. Time is on my side.
I use glycolic 30-50% (strong)
Copper peps
Emu oil
skin brushing
and 10 - 15% concentrations on other areas.
You may need to experiment with acids, especially slowly on your face as some people only respond to certain types depending on type of scar and constitution. There is discomfort and redness and peeling, but Ive begun to see results, only time can tell if it will continue.
There is another acid called TCA (I think) this stuff has erased stretch marks scars from some people but it is VERY strong and VERY dangerous. I dont use it, the risk is too high for me.