Re: bad detox symptoms/no symptoms from OP
Thanks, you all --
The recent post was helpful in making me consider what I am doing here -- i.e. I know that pulling is working for me, and so why stick around to keep posting the same old experience to the newcomer?
I think my answer lies in what was so freely given to me by the "oldtimers" when I got here. That goes for other forums and protocols, too. I think of writing to Hanna, Hopinso, GRZ and getting advice from all the people here when I started OP. Sometimes the protocol doesn't "work" or make sense. But the fellowship is so helpful.
There is no more powerful teacher to me than someone who has had negative experience and then a change to a positive one. Many of us -- most of us -- have had great "success" with OP from the giddy-up. There is always a lesson of openmindedness when change is involved, though. It is my hope that those who have been trying OP to no seeming avail, and to their seeming detriment, will someday return and share with us a new experience. People can leave but we cna plant a seed!
I am glad I stuck around when I had that terrible 10 days because of OP. My nature is to say "F*CK THIS" and to leave! You name it -- I have done it with friends, men, cities, jobs, etc. I am trying to change though and part of my effort is to stick around on whatever front and ask God to show me what I can offer, rather than what I can take away.
I love the saying that "when the student is ready, the teacher will appear." There are a lot of teachers for me on Curezone (again, on this and other forums). But I think also that I must respect that idea of "ready" and accept that some are and some are not. Readiness is not an assignment of judgment or value, it is simply a state of mind. With desperation being a good indicator.
I have said it recently but let me say it again. What I offer here is in no way comparable to what I have received. So know on this Valentine's Day that I love you all, new and old, and am grateful for every post I read, no matter how much it differs from my little sliver of experience!
Happy pulling,