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Re: argyria
trapper/kcmo Views: 2,186
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 83,708

Re: argyria


this condition occers in people who have ingested 1) silver coumpounds or proteins or 2) silver particles which are much larger than they should be AND 3) have done so over a long period of time.

the ionic Colloidal Silver we discuss, use and make have a particle size which will enter and exit right through cell walls and, to our knowledge so far, will never build up in any tissues in the body. it is also pure silver suspended in pure water. anything else puts you at risk.

and as for agyria itself? contrary to the scare tactics, it is definitely reversable to anyone with enough know how and gumption to do what is necessary.

you have the right idea about scare tactics. one of the main reasons people go to the doctor is because they are afraid of an out of control infection. ionic cs makes Antibiotics and antivirals and antifungals obsolete, and it is many orders of magnitude safer than any of these poisonous products, most of which require a doctors supervision. the pharms and the docs should be very, very scared indeed.

you will find the safest and most effective healing modalities on curezone besides fasting(that is safe from attack because few people will simply do it) are also the most rabidly attacked for the same reasons - liver flush(#1 surgery in US is gall bladder removal$$$$$) and Colloidal Silver , and vit C is right behind them. fasting is the ultimate, as it allows safe herbs(food) to be the only medicine you will ever need.


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