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'C' the difference!
detour Views: 472
Published: 18 y

'C' the difference!

I found a great source for 'c' Maple syrup and have been using it for two quarts worth...more on the way...

It is the first time I have used 'c' and can tell it must be chock full of more nutrients and good stuff...smells and tastes much like molasses.

I have been speaking with the folks who make it and they have been kind enough to
walk me through the process and the history.

It is not certified organic, yet it is processed as such, naturally.

The two elements that don't make it certifiable(hmmm,somebody called me that once!)
are; they don't want to pay the 600 bucks to have a guy say "ok" and they sometimes use 4 taps on larger trees instead of the prescribed 3 which some put even on smaller trees.

They clean the vats with steam and use no chemicals. They make it the old fashioned way in nice stainless steel vats.

the normally don't sell the 'c' to the public so specify it when you order either on line or by phone...

I love the 'c' flavorful. Every batch is different. Almost spring for new batch!




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