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Re: People get ready for Epidemic

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Re: People get ready for Epidemic

I am THRILLED that you were able to neutralize the MRSA in your home without more medical interference! I have always been "suspicious" of those who are in positions of "Authority" or "Power," but the more I learn about natural remedies and the horrors of contemporary medical practices, the more it only serves to heighten my level of misgivings. Please, post the details of your protocols that helped to kill the MRSA within your family - too many other people out there are being dragged through the Contemporary Medical Hoops and are suffering the effects of sanctioned Professional Stupidity.

It seems to me that conventional Western physicians are more willing to throw their "Patients" to the whims of the Pharma. Corporations, rather than actually research and TREAT illnesses, disorders, etc. A number of the "cures" for diseases are far worse than the diseases, themselves! My most recent rant was focused on the MANDATE that girl children must be submitted to a vaccination that supposedly demonstrated success in warding off four of the viruses that cause cervical cancer. This vaccination has only been FDA approved (whoopee, that means that it's safe, right?) since June '06. There have been no follow-up studies done to define all of this vaccination's properties and we have no idea what the long-term ramifications might be. We do not know if this vaccination will cause permanent sterility by the age of 22 and this vaccine is ONLY being administered to females. Just let that sink in for a minute or two...

I am convinced that MRSA is a naturally occurring staph bacteria that we, the Western Culture, have become very sensitive to through our ingestion of Antibiotics that are found in beef, chicken, eggs, milk, and other food staples in our culture, as well as demanding Antibiotics for every sniffle, earache, and sore throat. The FDA has approved these agricultural/livestock practices claiming that it makes the herds safer for processing and US safer for the herds being safe from infections. What utter nonense! If we are not exposed to certain germs, we cannot build up a NATURAL resistance to bacteria and viruses - plain and simple.

I am ready to go Amish, at this point. God bless!


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