6th & 7th chakra
well, i dont mean to get all "new agey" on you, but that color could be associated with either the sixth or seventh chakra, depending on what shade of purple you associate with which chakra.
Iodine then most likely instigates 6th and 7th chakra activity. it is no wonder then that many report headaches with
Iodine intake, as these chakras may be blocked or just dormant, and the sudden increase in energy can cause an overload. these two chakras govern out third eye, which is our discernment and psychic awareness, and our connection to the universal spirit, our understnading of unconditional love.
the two glands associated with these two chakras are the pineal and pituitary. which gland goes with which chakra is a matter of some debate, but clearly the health of both are critical.
flouride and bromide most likely have a antagonizing or narcotic effect on the two upper level chakras.