"Bromide: Brominated vegetable oil (BVO): Used as an emulsifier in some foods and a clouding agent in many popular drinks. Bromate is the main ingredient which can poison a child. From fumigated grain products. Will replace chloride and accumulate, will also be taken up by thyroid gland instead of iodine, adverse effects on brain and thyroid function."
The label of "Squirt" soda says it contains brominated vegetable oil. This is what is the clouding agent. To a glass of "Squirt" soda I added one drop of Lugol's iodine. It turned the whole soda purplish. I did not get the same reaction with 7UP.
I surmise that there is ALOT of brominated vegetable oil in "Squirt". I would never let my family drink this crap. Last time I checked, FDA thought brominated vegetable oil was listed as unsafe.