Zeta Potential and Human Health
Zeta Potential
As far as I know,
Iodine Discussion forum is the only place on Cure Zone where I have seen discussion of Zeta Potential In fact, I gather that people like Vulcanel, Grzbear, trapper/kcmo, Infinite love, finallyfaith etal., seem to know a lot about Zeta Potential and there for I feel comfortable sharing my thoughts and research on zeta Potential. .
.Zeta Potential is a term coined by Helmholtz, the great German Physicist. In 1878, he formulated mathematical basis for Physical Chemistry governing the stability of liquid-solid systems, or colloids. It turns out that in the past 100 years, the concept of Zeta Potential has been used extensively in Industrial Chemistry ? particularly for handling slurries, sewage etc. It is also clear that wider application of Zeta Potential- for example-.in getting clean water etc. awaits future development and financial support.
Only Thomas Riddick and a handful of have understood Zeta Potential and its applicability to health.
Human and animal blood carries minerals, organic and inorganic material, proteins, amino acids and other nutrients and bacteria and toxins. These are all microscopic and sub-microscopic particles, like dust particles in air. Blood, then is a colloidal solution and as such its behavior follows principles laid out by Helmholtz. (This is true for other bodily fluids as well. Urine, Lymphs, Bile are then also colloidal solutions). These particles in the blood are held in suspension via a very small electro negative charge on the surface of each particle. It is this charge that is called Zeta Potential. This study of Zeta Potential is really a study of Electricity, Physics and Chemistry. The carrying capacity of any colloidal solution- in this case- blood is influenced by its chemical composition, surface tension, centrifugal and centripetal motion, Sound and other electromagnetic frequencies, color and electrical and magnetic fields, and emotions!.
A colloid with a Zeta Potential of -100 mv to -60 mv is extremely stable and as the negative charge drops it becomes increasingly unstable. For example-30mv to -15 mv is threshold of light dispersion and -15mv to -10mv is threshold of agglomeration. Such a liquid becomes unstable at -5mv to +5 mv and the particles in it begin to clump together and heavier particles begin to drop out of the liquid and in the case of blood, begin to attach to the surface of arteries and capillaries. This explains Calcium deposit on the inner surface of arteries and outer surface of teeth!
Human blood contains both electro-positive and electro-negative electrolytes. Electrolytes that are electro-positive are: Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium and Potassium. I know that some one on pH
Support Forums on Cure Zone considers Calcium as having negative charge, I am not a Chemistry expert but my understanding of Chemistry says that Calcium is electro-positive.
Primary negative electrolytes are: Chloride, Bicarbonate, Phosphate and Sulfate. In addition
Iodine is also electro negative. For reasons that I do not as yet fully understand, the amount and ratio of major electrolytes of the blood is very important and it is 3.6 mg/liter of electro-positive and 5.5 mg/liter of electro-negative electrolytes. This is the so called ?Golden Ratio? and that is very important in nature and shows up in many many places. Electro-negative ions increase the carrying capacity-increase Zeta Potential and electro-positive ions reduce the carrying capacity. I think that people taking a lot of Alkaline Minerals are just increasing electro-positive ions and degrading their Zeta Potential. This shows up as additional load on the kidneys and I will talk more about that a little later. Mono-valent ions like Sodium or Potassium have relatively little effect on carrying capacity. Divalent electrolytes such as Magnesium(+2) or oxygen (-2) and Selenium (-2) have 8 times more effect on carrying capacity and Zeta Potential than mono-valent ions. Trivalent elements such as Aluminum (+3) or Phosphorus (-3) have a 64X stronger effect on Zeta Potential than mono-valent ions. So addition of even a small amount of Aluminum can have a massive effect on Zeta Potential and resultant clumping and coagulation.
There is a great deal of concern about safety of vaccines, specifically about its Mercury content. I suspect that the real culprit is Aluminum used to stabilize the vaccine. It is particularly harmful near the phase change point. (Around Zeta Potential of -10mv). This is because the body maintains an exquisite balance and maintains Zeta around the phase change point. This is so because in case of a cut or a nick, the blood can begin to coagulate very quickly. The effect of Aluminum can be easily seen by doing the following: In a small jar, put some water and mix in some wheat flour. After a good deal of stirring, flour particles would be finely dispersed in the water. Now put a drop or two of antiperspirant in the jar. Immediately, the flour particles will begin clumping together and coagulate.
Aluminum by itself is not toxic. Its toxicity stems from the destruction of the carrying capacity of a liquid and enabling other toxic and non-toxic materials to clump together and crystallize. Aluminum ionizes at pH of 6 and leaches from soil and metal. You can observe this effect in a glass jar containing pickles or anything with a pH of 6 or lower and having aluminum lid. After a while the lid looks corroded! Aluminum gets leached from the soil with acid rain and significantly destroys the waters ability to carry nutrients into the plant. When this occurs, no nutrient added to the soil will help. Common agricultural solution is to add lime to increase pH and hence ZETA Potential. Complaints about soil being depleted of vital trace elements are very often complaints about Aluminum leaching either due to acid rain or due to acidic fertilizers.
Specific Conductance and Role of Kidneys
The specific conductance of normal blood with good Zeta Potential is about 12000 (ms) Micro Simons. Ideally Urine should be about the same. Kidney has the ability to concentrate ions to a specific conductance of 36000ms. This is a concentration factor of 3:1. Such a concentration, however, puts the kidney in a continual overload condition and over time leads to weakening of kidney and kidney failure. It is also important to realize that any concentration above 12000 ms begins to get precipitated. So with high concentration the materials normally carried by the blood to nourish the system, precipitate out along with heavy metals and toxins. This process can and does take a life of its own as areas of the body are no longer nourished and toxins no longer removed thus begins the cycle of degenerative disease. As this occurs, toxins and metals which the body can handle as colloids, begin to clump together and bind to any convenient receptor-such calcium attaching itself to a surface as a scale.
Effect of Food Processing:
In the absence of processed food, our natural intake of electrolytes would equal to 5 to 10 grams/day This would permit use of additional salt in the diet and kidney could handle this load with no difficulty. Use of processed food raises the electrolyte content to 15 to 25 grams /person/day. This raises the specific conductance of urine to 20,000 to 30,000 ms. Such a load debilitates kidneys over time and eventually overwhelms them. Table 1 shows the effect of food processing.
Table 1
Changes in mineral salts due to processing
Source: Thomas Riddick- unpublished Work
Vegetable Specific Conductance in ms
Fresh Canned
Asparagus 4800 18000
Carrots 13000 19000
Corn 4700 12000
Peas 11000 17500
String Beans 7400 21000
Tomatoes 6800 17500
Table 2
The Sodium and Potassium Content of Raw and Processed Foods
Food Sodium Potassium
mg/ 100 gm of edible mg/100gm of edible
Bananas 0.5 240
Dates dried 1 790
Apples 0.2 74
Avocados 3 340
Milk(Whole) 50 140
Chicken-fryer raw 78 320
Steak round cooked 68 400
Cracked wheat bread 620 250
Bread-White 640 180
Tomato Juice Canned 230 230
Codfish dried 8100 160
Corned beef-Canned 1300 60
Table 2 is from Unpublished Work by Thomas Riddick
from Table 2 , it is clear that processing alters in a significant way Sodium and Potassium ratio in the food. So it is not surprising that with the advent of Agri-business, human beings have very high level of Sodium Chloride in their bodies.
Processing also means excessive amounts of mineral salts, mainly Sodium Chloride, in food. In addition to that FDA permits virtually unlimited addition to food of substances generally regarded as safe. Among this are Aluminum, and
table salt . This changing the ratio of Sodium to Potassium does great harm to human health. Taking additional mineral supplements ?Potassium, Calcium, and trace minerals may be very good but it adds to the load on kidneys. Data such as this says that in the modern world, it is virtually impossible for one to consume foodstuff without ingesting excess of Sodium Chloride and indeed throw the Na:K ratio out of balance. For high blood pressure doctors recommend going easy on salt. But they have no idea about consumption of salts due to processing! Taking a lot of alkaline minerals looks good on the surface but they only add to the load on kidneys!
Surface Tension:
Surface tension is a measure of the adherence of a material to itself, the capacity with which it resists expansion and the attraction between molecules. In water, it is the surface tension of water that allows a needle to float on the top and an insect to walk across water. As Zeta Potential increases, the surface tension decreases, and as Zeta Potential decreases, the surface tension increases.
The greater the surface tension and lower the Zeta Potential, more colloids will clump and coagulate or crystallize. Greater surface tension, particularly when the blood is thick will make it very difficult for blood to flow through capillaries and result in Peripheral Vascular Disease.
Spiral Flow Vs. Laminar Flow:
All flows in nature are spiral flows. It is most surprising but the spiral flow of blood was observed only last year when a surgeon operating on the heart of a patient observed blood spiraling out of the artery. Rivers and streams flow counterclockwise and so does the sap up a tree. In fact all trees grow not in a straight line but in a spiral. Trees with pronounced spirals have a great deal of negative charge and are more relaxing to lie under!
Laminar flow is more a straight line flow and in this type of flow, 15% of the area inside the wall of a pipe does not move. Essentially it sits and spirals in mini vortices eating away the tube wall. This laminar flow reduces the overall flow by 45% and requires much higher pressure to move the same volume than it would to move it spirally. Spiral flow moves a large amount of fluid and it also clears out obstructions as it scours the inner walls of a pipe or an artery. Turbulent flow occurs when a liquid makes transition from spiral to laminar flow. Spiral flow depends on Zeta Potential. As Zeta Potential drops, and specific conductance of a liquid becomes too high, the spiral flow ceases and transitions to laminar flow.
This change to laminar flow is a major cause of high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis. Another important consideration is bacterial or viral infection. With Laminar flow and significant clumping and coagulation, viruses or bacteria clump together and settle on the arterial wall. Since 15% of area inside the wall of the artery does not move as the blood flows, the white cells do not come in contact with the bacteria or viruses and infection develops unhindered.
What then are the causes of ill health? I believe they are the following:
1 Physical as well as emotional stress, including unresolved trauma and shock. As mentioned earlier, human body maintains an exquisite balance and maintains the Zeta Potential of the blood near the phase change point. So the blood is able to coagulate very quickly in case of a nick or a cut. Unresolved emotional issues as well as day to day mental and emotional stress keeps Zeta Potential below the phase change point and the result is laminar flow of the blood, increased surface tension ,as well as significant reduction in the carrying capacity of all fluids in the body. The results are: chronic high blood pressure, frequent bouts with infections (since instead of getting dispersed, bacteria and viruses are able to colonize and overwhelm the immunity system), and all sorts of so called auto immune diseases. It is worth noting that specific emotions are stored in specific parts of the body. In case of severe underlying emotions, the specific part of the body loses negative charge and result is a massive coagulation and resultant inflammation and infection. The cells get very sick and the immunity system tries to destroy those sick cells to protect ?good cells? From the outside it looks like an errant immunity system that has gone haywire and is attacking the body!
2 Aluminum. The use of Aluminum has become pervasive in the past 50 years. Today we have Aluminum in anti- perspirants (and increase in breast cancer!) in
table salt , baking powder, in toothpastes, in vaccines, cooking utensils, etc,. Aluminum foils are used extensively even by people who use only organic foods! Aluminum is also in cans we drink from and for canned foods. I believe that if one studies the rise in epidemics in the modern age, one would find an amazing correlation with increased use of Aluminum!
3 Bulk Stress on the kidneys. This stress is caused by eating of processed foods and drinking fluids with a lot of dissolved solids. Even our water has very high specific conductivity. There is a significant correlation between impaired kidney function and emotional problems. One affects the other! Environmental toxins, use of Microwave ovens,
Cell Phone s, etc., reduce the negative charge and degrade Zeta Potential. They contribute additional load on the kidneys and damage human health.
These then are the cause of ill health and not germs and genes! It is interesting to note that nearly all prescription medicines have positive charge and lower body?s pH and Zeta Potential.
More questions remain:
1 Taking blood from a person for blood test. Since the very act will cause massive coagulation of the blood and in the process change the very chemistry of blood. Are our blood tests valid?
2 For cancer to take hold, individual cancer cells must start the process of colonizing. If use of Zeta does not allow for clumping, can one truly prevent cancer? What then of underlying emotional issues? Or do underlying emotional issues exert a more powerful effect?
3 For developing Countries where fresh, clean water is in short supply., how about using Zeta Principles to get inexpensive clean water?
4 Now it becomes possible to measure effect of emotions on health. One can measure urine characteristics and see what anger does to Specific conductivity and pH.
I believe that anger and rage have an effect that is worse than Aluminum. And compassion is like Green color It is like trivalent electronegative ions ? very health giving.
5 Cesium is reputed to have been effective for Cancer, It is not surprising since Cesium is massively electro-negative. That is also true for mega doses of Vitamin C.
These and many more questions require more work and specific tests . Perhaps very smart and thoughtful members of Cure Zone will add to the collective knowledge. I am in the process of buying a meter that measures Specific conductivity and that will permit a lot of measurements that I certainly would like.