The Dental Amalgam fillings are only .999 pure and are combined with nickel, and mercury, and other toxic metals that are very toxic.
The use of ionic DC Colloidal Silver , or DC ionic silver will speed up an already pre excusing metal toxicity, and will make you sick! One of the warning signs are having a silver metal taste in your mouth, all day long.
I was very sick after using Colloidal Silver for only a month at only 1 teaspoon a day, I am presently on a standard EDTA, MSM detox protocol and am starting to feel better, after only a week, avoiding using Colloidal Silver totally! so don't tell me colloidal silver will not make you sick! if you do, then you are just Brain washed with all the hype! wake up! If this info helps you, then I have done a great service, as I don't want anyone to experience this unnecessary illness.