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Re: ozonated water
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Published: 18 y
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Re: ozonated water

What kind of water is better to ozonate?

spring, filtered or distilled is all fine. tap is not so good.

What happens to tap water if ozonated? Is it purified?

it is partially purified, according to some the chlorine is neutralized, but not the flouride. also i dont think the heavy metals are nuetralized. but any bacteria or mold will be killed. best not to drink tap, even if it is ozonated. altho if tap is the only option, then go with it, as the ozone will certainly help quite a bit.

Shall I drink the water right after I switch off the machine or shall I wait a while?
How long does ozone last in the water?

drink it as soon as possible after switching off. the half life of ozone in water is 20 minutes. this means that 50% of the ozone dissipates every 20 minutes. if you add minerals like Sea Salt or concenrace, the ozone will say in the water longer.

What happens to the ozonated water when it is left over? Can you drink it later throughout the day, is there still oxygen in it?

some say if you refrig mineralized ozone water (water w/ salt or minerals added to it) that the ozone will stay in the water for several hours. i dont know if thats true or not. its best to drink the water as soon as you make it.

How much ozonated water can I drink without harming my health?

when first starting out, GO SLOW!!!!! take it in small amounts, then build up over time. i can drink as much ozone water as i like now, it only has positive impacts on my health, i personally have never suffered one negative impact from ozone water.

Can I give ozonated water to my kids?

certainly, absolutely, but again, go slow!! dont over do it right away, give them SMALL amounts to start out with, then increase over time.

good health and blessings to you.


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