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Recently I started getting headaches suspected to be migraine
sebastian_us5 Views: 2,522
Published: 18 y

Recently I started getting headaches suspected to be migraine

I used to get a headaches a few years back, they were daily headaches. I went to a Neuro and he couldn't find anything wrong. He did 1 CT scan, non contrast. Well I was put on a Blood Pressure medicine since I have hyperthyroid and my heart rate and BP was going up. I was weaned off of it 6 months later since I am stable and the pill was making me dizzy. Well it has been 1 month of hell since then. I went through Depression some days, and panic most days.

Now I wake up feeling like there is a weight sitting on my head. Pressure constantly. The top of my neck hurts sooo bad. I feel like there is a rubber band around the middle of my head. I can feel my heart beat in my head, and when I stand it gets soooo bad. Pulsating and hurting. I have this weird feeling like I am off balance....Not dizzy, just not clear headed almost like medicine head without the medicine 24/7.

This is making me extremely worried. I went to the Hospital, I have no insurance and they gave me a CT scan, non contrast and said it was negative and that I just have anxiety. Okay, well I am getting the anxiety from feeling this way all the time!!! Can a migraine headache be all the time? I mean the pain goes away at times, but I feel the pressure still and the weird visual feeling.

Last night it was so bad when I was driving home, that for a second I had no clue where I was when I was driving. Then it just all came back to me.

Also, lights bother me and noises. I am waiting for insurance to kick in, but has yet to come :( Oh also, I am a 24 y/o female, who up until now was very active with sports and gym 4 nights a week.


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