Re: Ionic or colloidal silver?- confused
you are making what i am making, about 85% ionic and 15% true colloid.
use it. it works for what you want. if you make it properly it wont give you blue skin. keep the current low so that the particle size is small. the end product should be clear. yellow is an indication of larger than desired particle size, either by the process or by agglomeration due to too high of a concentration in suspension.
the info on the web runs the gammut. you will find:
1) people with little or no experience with it who believe things for other reasons and are good intentioned. these usually do not endorse CS, choosing instead to "err" on the side of safety. others perpetuate misinformation by means of their ignorance. i have no problem with them.
2) people trying to make a quick buck. that is what i think you are running into with this ionic vs colloidal debate. it is sales these people are after and that is why i find them the most culpable of any damage their lies produce.
3) these are the kings of greed and death. they purposely pose as those who are in favor of CS and purposefully spread incorrect information in order to prevent the use of CS or to make it backfire and cause illness or agrygia so that it can be banned. i believe the pharms and the ama secretly back such enterprises.
4) people that use CS and are willing to share their experience in order to help others. these folks rarely seek any money and their info is quote reliable, though sometimes only anecdotal. i am in this group as is steve555.
personally, i wouldnt buy CS simply because i think the ionic is very effective. i make it because there is a lot of energy floating around in our environment and it will effect the ionic silver with time. buying it off the shelf is a crap shoot. i can make all the silver i could ever want to ingest for what is costs for a couple of bottles of the good stuff.
i have made my own maker, but steve has suggested a couple of units that are easy and effective, so there is no excuse to make your own if you are going to use any amount at all. and you can help others, which is the best part of all.
make it with the purest distilled water you can get. hold it in your mouth as long as possible and then swallow. take on an empty stomach only. nebulizing works well for me. and i brush my teeth using it. i have been taking it for two years with no blue skin and a lot of benefits overall. the only time i have found it not effective has been when i have not taken enough.