Start a URINE FAST immediately in crisis (consult your doctor first). URINE FAST FOR ALL.
Dear Sylvie,
I am a PhD in computer science, not a medical doctor ---- so a medical doctor has to verify what I have written.
You can google "urine therapy ramniklal gada" and get his opinion on how much urine can be drunk a day. He has told me, "drink urine 4 times a day".
Now, I had read a book "Manav Mootra" which said that the urine therapist had cured a person of opium poisoning (30 grams opium) by making her drink urine of children all night long. --- he also cured a dog of poisoning ---- and we know in Mumbai, India that RATS cannot be poisoned if they reach water ------ why did this work, because the liver must have metabolized the opium BECAUSE IT DID NOT HAVE TO PRODUCE UREA.
It is incorrect to assume that Urea is a waste product. Biology texts and the internet say that UREA is synthesized by the Liver from the byproduct of amino acids and excreted by the kidneys.
Now, if urea is a beneficial product, the liver is forever doing work manufacturing UREA. So immediately a patient comes in, start him/her on a urine fast.
Or start urine injections (if these are safe) or a urine IV if the patient cannot drink urine (please verify this with a doctor or RATS, Ramniklal Gada DOES NOT have any experience with urine injections).
So here is my opinion on urine therapy ----- you can drink as many cups of urine as you want every day ----- it will only reduce work on the liver so the liver will cure itself faster. If the patient is in a mighty emergency consult Ramniklal Gada first (google urine therapy Ramniklal Gada) and your doctor first and then immediately start a URINE FAST.
TOXINS go out thru the liver into the bile into the gall bladder (for storage and then out of the gall bladder into the intestine via the bile duct).
(please confirm this with a doctor) UREA is beneficial to the body ---- that is why the LIVER converts useful amino acids into UREA. Give the liver UREA and you will save on protein consumption.
The kidneys are only a FILTER ---- not a metabolizer.
The liver extracts toxins thru the bile into the gall bladder where it is stored and removed during digestion.(an allopathic doctor has agreed on this with me).
Of course, PROTEINS are expensive ---- so drinking urine is a good way for developing countries to stop their hunger cycle ---- another good reason for a urine fast for EVERYBODY in the world.