I have tried for years to lose weight and then I read the book about "Eating For Your Blood Type" and began to follow the guide lines for A neg. blood and it made a big difference in my ability to lose weight and then I platued and couldn't lose any more until I found a new technology that has helped me because it deals with our subconscious and now I'm averaging 2 lb a week weight loss and it is not hard for me to get on my treadmill every day and walk briskly for 30 minutes whereas, before, it was a chore. It is also easier to make healthier food choices. I belong to another website where some of the people are involved with the same technology and they are reporting weight loss too...so it's not just me.
Also on the same website I learned about how blinking or pulsing red LED light can help with eye sight problems. I have macular degeneration and have been searching for ways to stop and reverse it. Anyway, I went to Radio Shack and bought 2 blinking LED red lights and taped them to a pair of old safety glasses (sun glasses can be used). I wear them 5 minutes at a time 3 times a day. You keep your eyes closed and the red can be seen through your closed eyes. A friend told me about an 80 year old woman he knew that had macular degeneration and it was worse than mine and after using pulsing red Led light on her eyes for months, her eyesight was such that she could see the images on coins again.