Re: Lack of omega-3s can contribute to childhood obesity
Interesting. I would also be interested to hear anyone's comments on the following --
I have always prepared my twins' food with copious amounts of fat. I wonder if they are thin because of the weight-normalizing effects of coconut oil. (I think they are thin mostly because they are thin, but we hear a lot about coconut oil's ability to help people lose weight, although I have also heard that lauric acid can help underweight people normalize up!)
My other empirical observation: people feed carbs to their kids because they are not messy. i.e. the ubiquity of the baggie of Cheerios or crackers. I think this contributes to overweight kids. Too many carbs, not enough fat.
I think about how in the late 80s-early 90s I was too big and pretty depressed. What was a girl in her early - late 20s (when women can be so self-conscious about weight) hearing about diet during those times? Eat pasta. Avoid fat. Well, what that did for me was to make me too big, and then no good fats meant I just was blue. (Plus that extra weight did not help on the self-esteem front.) Now I eat fats and am told I am too thin. Go figure.
Have an oilicious day...