Re: And Speaking of DIABETES....
In a clinic with professional care, the original hard fasting most likely would be fine, but in the comfort of ones home I would take my time and slowly eliminate the wrong foods and cleanse the body well and make it easy to fast. Otherwise the 14 day or 21 day orange juice fast done like the doctors did it can be done by anyone as explained in their books. I don't promote their type of JUMP IN and get it done method, I prefer it be done correct and the person well educated on correct foods, etc. first. I suggest the person doing it, read my web site and then read fasting books and they them selves decide what they choose to do. Only they can make it work or fail.
Probably for BOOK V I had plans of "SPECIFIC" fasting for each type of disease or I may skip the book and make it part of a file on Living Well, I have not decided yet. I do know that is where the medical story is about the first treatment of a sever diabetic and the Dr. was very pleased that it cured in the same manner as any other self-induced food related disease. I always suggest education first, the mind of the one doing it must be acceptable and willing, otherwise they will believe they are being tortored and hate the one that withholds their meals.
Those on prescription drugs must go to their drug supplier and ask how they can get drug free. To go drug free against the advice of the MD they have been paying, is almost like a act of crime in the usa. Once drug free and doctor free, then I say they are serious about living and not until then. My experience is that they will go running to their MD and demand drugs at the first sign of pain or discomfort and their MD is under law to provide those drugs or risk loosing their license.
IF they read, they will know what it takes to do a orange juice fast, I have it spelled out the original way verses my way on the web site.