mirena iud mental side effects
I have just found this site and am extremely relieved at what I'm reading.I am 31 and have suffered endometriosis for around 10 years. I only just discovered it last year.I had surgery to remove some very bad adhesions and have extensive scarring. Now I know why I was sick so many times and for sooo long.I always put it down to cramps and probably have a very high pain threshhold, so I didn't do anything about this health issue for a long time.The gyno was very quck to offer me the mirena as a way to control this disease.I have no desire to have children so those issues (infertility)don't bother me.However, the doctor suggested this contraceptive just incase I change my mind in 5 years.I was very hesitant at first as the thought of having something inside my uterus was not appealling at all.But I felt what else could I do?It all happened so fast and I just didn't want the pain anymore.Since they've put it in my breasts have been sooo tender and I keep getting thrush.My mind is all jumbled and I fall into deep
Depression on some days.I am very irritated, easily agitated and it's all beginning to affect my ralationships and work.I began researching my disease before I was properley diagnosed and now know there are alternative treatments for this disease that are natural.I want to change my lifestyle and need some advice.I want to take this thing out and am open to a change of diet, meditation, homeopathy, aromatherapy etc. If anyone has a success story p.l.e.a.s.e. share it with me!!!!! I'd rather take control of this disease rather than lose it!