Yes, CS has saved me from getting sick several times already this season. I teach music one on one and have sick kids sneezing and hacking in my direction on a daily basis. CS has spared me getting sick so far. As far as a cough is concerned I highly recommend aquiring a nebulizer. You can buy one fairly cheap at any drugstore. Walgreens sells a small one for about $20. Load up the nebulizer with CS when you have a cough and breathe deep. The CS will kill any virus or bacteria in the lungs. In more severe instances where there is a lot of thick mucus in the lungs I recommend using DMSO with cs in a nebulizer 1part DMSO/3parts CS. The DMSO will penetrate through the mucus and carry the CS deep into the lung tissue. This really helps in bronchitis/pneumonia cases.Hope this helps.