Re: Putting things together.
of course *experience* can go the other way -- we all have experienced the effects of some good exercise (simple oxygenation) causing a dramatic shift in the mind (or the emotions)...but since we are spiritual beings having a physical experience (in incarnation) the true progression -or direction- is Soul, Mind, body.
When we connect in that way, it's like the click of a golden key in a secret lock (where the lock is "home"),
so in healing, this explains how something like a tumour can be dissolved in seconds or minutes--whereas working at it the other way, one might begin with the juices,and so on...and then begin to find the strength and interest in looking deeply at the places inside of unforgiveness, etc. etc. A slower path, but one that COULD come together suddenly.
Again, I would say the sudden coming together is more a *sign* of the great blessing or merit that has been accumulated through past virtue.
In all cases though, surrounding every one, and waiting to be 'invited', is always the profound state of Light/Truth/The Divine Whole--and this is where healing and blessing ( and all ) ultimately comes from.