Re: Can Parasite control humans? YES!!!
They can take a healthy person and -over time- create a "monster". When a person is infected with parasites, the immune system is CONSTANTLY fighting the parasites and their toxins. The immune system gets very weak, so every little "bug" that comes along will be hard for the body to get rid of. The body is never truly at rest because it is always battling the intruders. Digestive problems and skin problems are just the body's way of trying to get rid of what is making it sick.
People who host parasites have central nervous problems because of the toxins - this includes irritability, mood swings, fatigue, brain "fog", memory loss and depression. This is because those toxins are poisoning the entire body - same as saying the parasites are "controlling" the host.
People with certain types of parasites have UNCONTROLLABLE hunger. This is because the parasites are taking all of the good nutrition and the body is left with the "junk" - the body KNOWS it needs certain nutrients to survive - so it continues to signal the person to eat. These types of parasite infections will cause serious weight gain - it is a very big misconception that only underweight people have "worms".
Other types of parasite infections (beef and fish tapeworms) will cause a decrease in appetite. They will cause nausea and upset stomach. But, they can also cause sugar cravings. Sometimes a person that hosts these can eat like a horse and not gain any weight at all. It just depends on the type of tapeworm AND how long the person has been infected.
There are a lot of variables in how parasites affect folks - some symptoms are alike while others are different in different people. This is why something like an ascaris infection will react in different ways in different folks.