molly bloom
18 y
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Re: Need help...before its to late
You have no idea how lucky you are to get the advice you did from SoulSurvivor. She speaks the total truth.
One of the things that I remember from my youth (I'm 50) is the High Drama. And love relationships took up so much of my time and effort that I could have used that energy elsewhere. I can't even remember the guys I dated in my early 20's now (except for my one obsessive relationship that turned into marriage, and eventually divorce).
Now we may just sound like two old biddies, but seriously, you hit a certain age, and we ALL LOOK BACK and say almost the same things. It's the Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda thing. And since we can't go back and re-do this era, all we can do is offer some of this to the younger people on this forum.
Honey, you concentrate on you. Whatever you are doing in life, school, career, throw yourself into. Girls will come and go. And one day, with luck, a woman will walk into your life that you will never need to concern yourself about. She will be faithful, and kind and you will know down to your toes that she is the right woman for you. There won't be cheating or any games of any type. You will love each other and you respect each other. That's when it is real. This relationship you have presently, I wouldn't suffer one gray hair. I'd totally move on.
My thinking is that people should not get married until they are 30, and even that can be young. You change so much in your 20's, 30's, 40's, you have no idea!
Take this experience and learn from it. Concentrate on being all that you can be and let go of obsessive thoughts about this woman. And keep you eyes wide open for that special person.