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Re: fa-q?
pepe Views: 2,284
Published: 18 y
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Re: fa-q?

 I knows what you mean. It is my own reminder too. After backsliding on the health trail for the last year and stacking of some umwanted LBs it keeps me honest and accountable to myself.

The health and mental gains and the reprograming towards better and healthier eating are definetly in place after my recent 35 dayer but in winter it's tougher to drop the weight as the natural tendencies of life's cycles is to store and insulate during the winter months so it's quite slow going no matter how well I eat and exercise.

Slowly but surely. Getting back in the gym regular and working it hard feels great though I almost over did it at first and had to lay off for a week cause I was super sore. When I go to the gym it's all business for me so I woik it gud. I do high weight and slow count low reps to point of failure. This technique is very efficient and will kick your ass and have you breathing like you ran a marathon.

It's really an effective method and you can get a full body work out in 30 mins that will beat you harder that any 2 hr work out. I also find the method very meditative cause you do everything very slowly and deliberate and at the point where you can't go no mo' you still push as hard as you can through a 10 count. That part where you still push as hard as you can when you can't go no mo' really sets up and programs and motivates the hell out of me and for days I'll still have this real positive motivation and drive in all other aspects of my life. Really great stuff and wholeheartedly recomend it for anyone looking to get motivated in whatever aspects floats your boat. For anyone reading this and interested do some research on "Super Slow Weight Training". I am totally hooked!!

While things are very slow for me at the moment I'm envisioning a great year and have my visualisation wall where I've tacked up pictures, sayings figures etc as this years attractors and spend time each day visualising the things to come. Great thing to do too when stuck in traffic or waiting in line or just plain being idle. Things are actually moving in interesting directions just not fast enough for my druthers but I'm hanging tough and staying positive and working towards my goals. Once it gets a little warmer I'll prolly do some spring cleaning and prolly do a 21 or 28 dayer.

Have a great cleanse and hula hula weeki wachee to you ;+D



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