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C.S is safe!
anunnaki Views: 2,448
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 82,083

C.S is safe!

Colloidal Silver is so minut and if made correctly (most) then its very bio-degradable with most being 98-100%. Therefore it will go in and do its job and be removed. If you take Vitamin E and Selenium it will be removed quicker via bonding to the Selenium and the Vitamin E washing the Selenium out.

Although I think Hulda is very good there are still areas which she isn't aware of. Many people are good in one or two areas but not many areas. Hulda claims having electric heating is best for your health. If you study up on Electromagnetics by top scientists in Russia and Robert O Becker from U.S this is totally incorrect.

You need to read many articles and books from many rsearchers and you will see what is ok and what isn't! The silver from mouth fillings etc is totally different to Colloidal Silver . Its the same argument with nitrates etc vs colloidal with Agyria.

The benefits of Colloidal Silver far outweigh any negatives.


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