You listed these things and accused me of hate, so I will respond to each of you accusations and you can twist it any way you want to, and put your own spin to my words.
You said I hate:
Women's Right to Choose
Free Speech
Protection against Forced religious indoctrination
Medical Privacy
Any Non-Christian religion specially Islam
Equal rights for Homosexuals
Separation of Church and State
and the list goes on.....
I do not hate any of these people. Does that mean I have to love the acts that these people do?!
I do not approve of the act. I think it is degrading for a woman to be put on the market as a piece of merchandise.
It is a proven fact. There are many times more paedophilia and promiscuity among homosexuals than any other populace.
Want proof? Just ask any teenager walking down the street in in any big city how many times they have been hit on, and by what sex!
And of course you know the Bible does not approve of homosexuality.
>>Women's Right to Choose<<
I do not approve of killing babies merely for the convenience of lifestyle. There are alternatives much more pleasant than killing the baby.
I think everyone should be held responsible for their actions. People know the consequinces of unprotected sex, whether it be sexually transmitted diseases or pregnacy. There is more involved than just a moment of sexual pleasure or promiscuity when it effects or infects lives.
>>Free Speech<<
Why do we need filthy language around children? Why do we need NAMBLA flyers promoting paedophilia? Why do we need p 0 r n?
I realize you see nothing wrong with those things, but I do!
You can mock the few people that still believe in a moral atmosphere for our children, but that will not change my beliefs.
>>Medical Privacy<<
Thats a weird one for you accuse me of!
I definately do believe in Medical Privacy, even though there has been a few proven cases of people with full blown AIDS or HIV that has used themselves as walking lethal weapons to infect unsuspecting victims, and calling it revenge because the government has not found a cure for them.
>>Any Non-Christian religion specially Islam<<
I don't hate people of any religion.
I can not hate those that kill for their god or gods, but I hate the satanic evil of killing for any god or gods.
>>Equal rights for Homosexuals<<
I do not support the homosexual agenda, but whatever your homosexual plight is, you will find other support without me.
Perhaps you can team up with john cullison on that one and work it out together?
>>Separation of Church and State<<
When was there really a true separation of church and state before Madalyn Murray O'Hair? And then it was a matter of twisting our own laws against us by the ACLU (American Communist League of Lawyers) by their own legal personal interpretations with a few twisting and bending of words.
But anyway, I'm all for Separation of Church and State as long as it is not used completely for the promotion and advancement of the ACLU homosexual and communist agenda.
>>and the list goes on.....<<
Now thats really absurd! When you consider that fact that the "C" Team has spread more hatred in these forums than everybody put together!
The "C" Team --> Cullison, Corinthian and Celcius.
The sentiment is usually attributed to St. Augustine, who said, 'Cum dilectione hominum et odio vitiorum,' or "With love for mankind and hatred of sins".
It is often loosely translated as: 'Love the sinner and hate the sin,' a saying often incorrectly attributed to Jesus.