Re: How many people here have done a URINE FAST?
Many many people have shared their ut experiences here on CZ over the years. I have lost count the number of times I have done the short 4 to 6 day UT fasts. I always preliminarily go on a strict fruit diet and usually stay on either only water or the minimal amount of fruit while UTing. The difference is noticable with the UT while fasting in that the often experienced fatigue and body pains dont occur as readily with UT fasts.
As jay reminded us read read read all the texts so you will be knowledgable about this gift. And tho as he mentioned bladder fluid is not normally waste fluid if the body is toxic it will also be percentage wise toxic, and tho as also mentioned the imbibed semi toxic fluid may be telling the system something valuable if we consider that it really just goes into the mix, the bloodstream leading to the liver, we should be careful as to whether we are recircualting toxins. That is perhaps why the oldest sources advise no animal flesh, no greens, no grains, no dairy, only fruit.
And to the advise on massage, tho it may be true that some fluid will make its way to the bloodstream it will be a much smaller amount than when engested and know that most substances, excepting metals and a few others, are ,rather than being destroyed by digestion , are actually just broken down into consituant elements to be reconsitued by the liver and other organs so nothing is lost with drinking the fluid, hormonally or otherwise.