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Re: Invincible, this is long, answer when you have time
  Views: 1,587
Published: 18 y
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Re: Invincible, this is long, answer when you have time


Here goes a song link that is about 'change'. I've included the lyrics, which detail the changes we all go through as human beings. The song is called "Forming." Here is the link and lyrics. Just scroll down and click on the song "Forming".


how are you
here's a little song for you
I hope that you find
the day that you had in mind

you know
ones like you
you're a snow flake in mid june
you see
as you melt
then you will find your new self

how are you
here's a little song for you
I hope
that you find
the day that you had in mind

that you had in mind

you find
the sky is blue
water's wet
that's nothing new
but each time you see
the new dawn break
your new forming

Your Love
Your Flesh
Your Light
Your Soul

hello how are you
here's a little song for you
I hope that you find
the day that you had in mind

you say
I see you
you see me
we see through
the end
I hope you find
the life that you had in mind

Your Love
Your Flesh
Your Light
Your Soul


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