Justice, Retalliation, Integrity, Amends, Attonement, Wrongs, Assault
Some of the current violence in Iraq, is rooted in unjust acts by some, or many.
Personal Integrity seems to require revenge for wrongs.
Violence, imprisonment, assaults, intimidation of associates or wrongdoers, has been a pattern in Iraq and the Middle East for some centuries.
What does the Qur'an say about justice, revenge and Personal Integrity? Violence and Terrorism are words that are used by politicians to justify Intervention by Government controlled Military attacks, provocations and occupation. Are there parts of the Qur'an that recommend negotiation of differences to avoid disruptions of commerce and families?
Assult is a crime, and is punishable under the law. Suicide Bombers circumvent the punishment provided by law, and negate the torturing, psychops stool pidgeon tactics of police to find co-conspirators.
Is the punishment provided by the Governmental Laws, and the information gathering techniques of arrest and imprisonment, a system of justice that spawns suicide attacks? Is the focus of current systems of justice on punshment and intelligence serving the best goals for an improved society? Is there a way for Governmental Intervention to serve Justice and make progress toward an improved society? Rehabilitative Alternatives to prison have been developed, but are not used as widely as possible. Some rehabilitative programs are 70 to 80 % reliable. Should these programs be adapted and utilized to convert terrorist supporters to successful stakeholders in a working, fruitful society?
Are there some sections to read?
Are there some searchable websites?