I have been taking Chantix for 4 weeks and have not smoked for 3 weeks. I was a 2-3 pack a day smoker. I think Chantix does exactly what it claims to, but falls short in one respect. Nicotine is a stimulant. The past 3 weeks I have been constantly tired, sleeping more, taking naps, and no energy, even exercising does not help. I think it also lowers your immune system because the stimulant is no longer there. I wish Chantix would have incorporated a nicotine-withdrawal program, or something to replace the nicotine stimulant. My brother also is on Chantix, for 2 months now. He says the same thing: extreme tiredness, no energy, etc.. I realize how the brain thing works by using Chantix and blocking all the right stuff, but we need something to ward off the nicotine (stimulant) withdrawal.