21 y
Re: Colloidal silver, the final word!
I know about the FDA now, after long hours at the computer! I know basiscally when I hear the truth now. ( I used to think everything on a store shelf would never hurt me otherwise it wouldn't be allowed for sale!) iguess I was WRONG!
Im Just wondering if Ive got the right equipment, disappointed in the success I didint get. Ive been telling my famiy and friends and they dont beleive me, and now this happens now I dont beleive myself! I cant sleep, and my entire head is sore, my ear is draining blood and pus, I still have a low grade fever, I keep hearing liquid coming from what feels like the inside to the outside-awful! The dr did NOTHING today. Came in, looked in my ear, gave me a perscription of Zithromax and said next time if you feel it coming on try a little sudafed, it helps to stop it sometimes! I feel so angry. I know I had either a sinus infectino or strep as well, my entire head is so sore. I dont mean to complain, but she didnt even touch my glands under my neck, or have me open my mouth! I really think she wanted to eat lunch, adn didnt want a flu person near her!
I need mybe some suggestions on how the best CS is made- can anyone help me on that?
Its 3.00am every four hours I have to take tylenol or I think I'll go insane- I am against tylenol but broke down this time after the flu hit me this hard-