17 y
1 week on UT
I have been drinking 1/4 to 1/2 a cup first morning mid-stream urine daily for one week. Like many others here, I am calm, have a better sense of humor and it is easier for me to identify with my spiritual self and let life play out without getting too attached. Some nights I am better able to sleep.
I have better tolerance for foods. I handle allergans better with UT (I had some spelt without much problem and I am a celiac who cannot tolerate spelt. I rubbed some on abdomen and "pimples" and red marks and brown marks appeared.
One glitch: Because of UT, I went off of vitamins and the betaine/hcl that my naturopath had put on which had stopped my endometriosis-type symptoms. Going off of that and possibly even the UT have started my period prematurely with clotting and cramping as before. But I will persist and try for a better diet because I feel great and hopeful.
For awhile I got off coffee and hope to quit it. I am vegan except occasonal salmon and dairy cheating. I hope to get increasingly raw in my diet.