--answer--chronic hives - an update
Hi coopermaid,
One of your previous post: I have hives appearing almost daily for the past three years from the base of my neck upto the jaw line. they are red, raised, and often itchy. The only time they left was when I did a month long juice fast two years ago. They came back a few weeks after I resumed normal eating.
Some background which I feel is related is that I smoked for 27 years but have been a non-smoker for almost 5 years. Yeah!
End of the post.
From this info which "YOU" have provided it may be safe to say that "YOUR" Hives are "NOT" because of the Alkalizing Drink !!!!!!!!!!
But, what may be happening may be that your Endocrine Glands may have become Damaged from "YOUR" Smoking and thus Causing these problems !
As the Endocrine Glands may help to Regulate the pH of the body in each organ to keep them healthy, so when they have been damaged, this may effect these different organs of the body in an adverse way, Causing you problems !
What may be taking place in your body from taking the Alkalizing Drink and having the Great flucations of body temperature, may be that the Alkalizing Drink may be supplying those Damaged Endocrine Glands what they may need to start Repairing themself, and thus they may be trying to Kick into Gear and operate again ?
Smile Tis your choice.