In November 2005, my wife had a slight chest infection which had all but cleared up. She went to her doctor for the test results and was told all was ok, but was given the flu injection. This was supposed to protect her following the chest infection. For the following 4 days she was confined to bed with flu symptoms. For the next 2 days she was practically back to normal. However on the 7th day, she was confused and extremely irritable. I called a doctor and she was rushed to hospital. She died there in intensive care 2 weeks later. The autopsy stated cause of death was " non herpetic encephalitis following the flu injection". Don't let anyone tell you the flu jab is safe. I am still fighting the British justice system and medical authorities to recognise the dangers and do something about the flu vaccine, which I have since discovered is riddled with flaws and potential diseases.
If you want to help me reply with your problems so I can collate some hard facts. Thanks in anticipation.