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cheap way to make colloidal silver
breaker Views: 4,099
Published: 22 y

cheap way to make colloidal silver

This ain't rocket Science so pay attention. Don't email for more information. I haven't the time for hand holding!

1. Buy a 6 volt DC transformer for about 5 clams. Better yet, pick up one at a flea market for .50. The current doesn't matter as this method uses less than one ma.
2. Clip the connector off the end of the wire.
3. Get two alligator clips from Radio Shack for a buck.
4. Carefully separate the two wires. Strip the insulation off for about 1 inch.
5. Connect each lead to the clip.
6. You need two electrodes. Don't waste $15.00 for 1/4 oz. pieces of silver wire. Go to a any coin store and buy two Canadian Maple Leafs for about $6.50 ea. Each has 1.2 oz. of .9999 pure silver, enough to make more CS than you will ever use.
7. Buy a gallon of distilled water for about .70.
8. Buy a tiny fish tank bubbler machine for about 8 bucks. They will have the neoprene tubing as well. You will need about two feet.
9. Be sure the coin is squeaky clean. Clamp them to opposite sides of an 8 oz. glass of distilled water.
10. Place the tubing to the bottom of the glass.
11. Fill the glass with distilled water ONLY up to the bottom of the clips. One does not want the metal, from the clips, in contact with the water, only the coins.
12. Plug in the little transformer and oxygenation machine.
13. Run for about five hours.
14. Carefully remove the coins. There will be residue on them and you don't want that in the solution. For even more purity, use the neoprene tubing and siphon the solution into a clean glass/or plastic container. (In these parts a siphon hose is referred to as an "Arkansas credit card".)
15. Keep the CS out of sunlight in an air tight bottle.
16. Clean the coins thoroughly preparing for the next batch.

More can be read at i will try this and let you know how it works!


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