18 y
Re: Non-Supportive Mates, Spouses, S.Others?
Hey, Mama C!
I posted about this earlier, but I'll go ahead and say it again:
My husband was never "hostile" about my exploring alternative medicine sorts of things, but always just kind of tolerated it. If I wanted to try acupressure before making a doctor's appointment, fine, whatever, it's probably just the placebo effect. (But there was always a sort of internal eye roll along with it)
This was until he had a horrible headache that just wouldn't go away. I had suggested acupressure for various ailments & discomforts of his in the past, and he would always answer that it "wasn't that bad", and that he'd "be fine". This time it was bad enough that he was willing to let me try. So I put some of my trusty acupressure pellets on his finger according to where his headache was, and it felt to him like a weight was lifted from his head. He had to go wash his hands, so he took the tape & pellets off, and the headache came back a little. He dried his hands and put it back on, and he could tell they weren't in the right place, because the headache continued to worsen. Ever since then, he has at least had to admit that whatever it is, it's not the placebo effect.
So he doesn't take initiative on such things, but he'll let me ask him to drink this, swish this, etc., and I'm content with that.