--answer --What makes "YOU" Sleepy ?--
Hi west,
The Biggest problem with sleeping problems, may be because of a Lack of Oxygen !
And for people who eat their meals too close to bedtime and these meals do not have enough Alkaline minerals to enable their body to carry enough Oxygen into the Digestive system, this then may Cause Poor Digestion and using up of "ALL" of the Oxygen, thus Causing a shortage of Oxygen , which the Different organs of the body "Must" have to Prevent them from becomming too Acidic !
The problem may be more of that the body is "NOT" able to Hold enough Oxygen , because of the Lack of enough Alkaline Minerals, which may allow for the body to Hold onto Oxygen !
Not because the throat may cut off the Breathing !
Kinda like the chicken or the egg, which came First ?
But in the case of the Oxygen, you must First have Oxygen, or all else "STOPS" working !
Smile Tis your choice.