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Re: silver rods lifespan
InCharge Views: 3,884
Published: 23 y
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Re: silver rods lifespan

Sounds like you got the same system as the link I provided. I don't know much about it since I haven't got one yet but digging around a little at that site I came across this blurb out of the directions for use. Does it make sense for your problem of discoloration.

"ELECTRODE CARE: The electrodes should be gently "swiped" after each use. There will be slight discoloration on the green and black electrodes, and a blackening of the red electrode, all easily removable, especially while wet. Do not scrub any harder than necessary to remove the discoloration. Excessive scrubbing only shortens the life of the electrodes. After every third or fourth batch, "remove" the electrodes for cleaning by pulling straight out of the sockets. DO NOT TWIST! To reinstall, push firmly into socket until they stop (about 1/4"). When removing used electrodes, make note of which 'end' came out of the socket and be sure the same end is always reinserted. Do not flip electrodes "end for end", since as they wear and become thinner, they will no longer fit the socket. Whenever removing electrodes, to equalize the wear, reinstall them in different locations than removed from. The electrode in the red socket wears the fastest. Make sure the electrodes are "straight" parallel and equidistant. This is particularly important with the longer electrodes of the UP-48 and MAX. Maintaining the correct distance between electrodes is important to the quality of the product. NEVER ALLOW ELECTRODES TO TOUCH TOGETHER WHILE POWER IS APPLIED! "


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