Re: GS's Spine Primer
Many thanks for these two posts, Grace!
Just this afternoon I heard about
And, I've tried to incorporate the Alexander Techniques into my life, simply by recalling the four statements:
...Release the neck,
...Widen the shoulders,
...Lengthen the torso, and,
...Release the legs.
When I first began, I did get aches, from muscles unused to supporting the head, for example.
A pal now has beautiful posture (pushing 70), after years of suffering/surgery, etc. She actually took training in the Alexander Technique, and other modalities.
I very much like your blending of various techniques, and your emphasis on peacefulness.
A friend teaches Touch for Health, and she has incorporated posture, sound, reflexology, and much more into her work.
You make so much sense in your writing, a beginner can see to get out and try various practitioners, NOT expecting a 'quick fix'...and recognizing the importance of 'letting go' of old tensions, sedentary ways, etc.
Have you seen the Dorn forum on CureZone?
I have a lot of reading to do...and practicing.
Thanks for the wake-up call.