Identity Movement.The European white race the true chosen !!!
The Identity movement says The european race is Gods chosen people.The 12 tribes of Isreal migrated from the mideast & ended up & settling in Europe.And in the end time they would come back together under one roof.It looks like America is that roof.
Thank about it.What country has been blessed above all.((( USA )))
Now all of these Identity movements are not the same.Some of them have a lot of Nazi tendencies.This one seems to be more level headed.They don't believe in the Hell-Fire & Brimstone stuff that most modern day preachers use to put guilt trips on you.
They use the KJV bible to interpet all the stuff they say.
The stuff below came from their website.
In the Scriptures, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are always called 'Hebrews', NEVER 'Jews'. The problem is that most Christians have not been taught that there is a definite, distinct, and important difference between the terms Jew and Israel. This ministry has several important Bible studies on this subject that will help you gain a greater understanding of Israel's true identity and why the Anglo Saxon, Scandinavian, Germanic, and kindred people are suffering because they have a lack of knowledge concerning their true Biblical identity.