18 y
Re: NO. Science limitations in action.
Jews always try to control the flow of information, and that task has become huge, ever since the internet has exploded in size. Just look at
Wikipedia, which is currently world jewry's major student brainwashing tool. If you look at what "Corinthian" does here on Curezone, he fits the description of a jewish sayanim (q.v.) almost perfectly. He is here to "cook the books," and to insert a pro-jewish slant on any & all information here. World jewry doesn't want anyone getting healthy, and thus free of the need for food, or anyone living past 100 (and thereby accumulating enough wisdom to help free others from our jewish
shape-shifting lizard parasites) -- the jews want obedient & unquestioning docile slaves on their corporate global plantation. "Corinthian" could not spend as much time on Curezone as he does, if somebody weren't paying him to do so. Some evil arm of world jewry is subsidizing him, IMO. Otherwise, how could he eat, 461? I would be quite interested in your own opinion of the real motives of Mr. "Corinthian." You mentioned that you stopped reading him, for a while ... what precipitated that? Was it one of his many lies?